项目名称: 河流水-沉积物中重金属多组分动力学反应迁移模型-以山东招远界河为例
项目编号: No.41271506
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张华
作者单位: 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 本项目将以受到重金属(砷、铬、镉、铜、锌、铅)严重污染的山东招远界河及其主要支流为典型案例,基于多组分动力学反应理论,结合原位和室内实验获取模型实测参数,建立能够准确模拟不同环境条件下水-沉积物中重金属行为和归趋的反应迁移模型,为河流重金属污染的科学治理决策服务。具体计划如下:在现有水质模型基础上,耦合多组分动力学反应模块,开发形成河流重金属反应迁移模型;应用模型中的溶质运移模块拟合原位示踪试验结果,获得河流对流弥散参数;在关键季节进行全局采样,分析污染源、水体和沉积物中重金属的化学形态与空间分布,建立模型输入和验证数据集;应用多组分动力学模型模拟批量动力学实验结果,确定不同pH和氧化还原条件下沉积物中重金属吸收和释放速率;在示踪试验、全局采样及动力学实验形成的模型参数基础上,建立一维稳态多组分动力学反应迁移模型,确定界河流域重金属污染源汇关系;应用模型进行情景分析,提出污染河流治理建议。
中文关键词: 迁移模型;沉积物;河流;重金属;金矿
英文摘要: This project will study the reactive transport of trace elements (As,Cr,Cd,Cu,Zn,Pb) in heavyly polluted JieHe River and its tributaries in Zhaoyuan, Shandong. A reactive transport model will be developed by incorporating multicomponent kinetic reaction modules into existing water quality model. The model will have the capability of predicting fate and behavior of heavy metals in water and sediment under varying environmental conditions and will be used to support the scentific decision making for remediation and restoration of heavy metal contaminated streams and rivers. Data collection and field survey will be carried out to establish the baseline hydrologic conditions of the studied watershed. Advection-dispersion parameters in the reactive transport model will be obtained from in situ conservative tracer experiments. Synoptic sampling and chemical speciation of water and sediments will be performed at different sites along the stream reaches during critical low flow season. Response of stream water quality to heavy metal loading from various point and non-point sources in the watershed will be analyzed based on the sampling results. Multicomponent kinetic reaction model will be employed to describe the results of kinetic batch experiments and to quantify the retention and release rate of heavy metals from
英文关键词: Transport Model;Sediment;River;Heavy Metal;Gold mining