The coronavirus pandemic has spread over the past two years in our highly connected and information-dense society. Nonetheless, disseminating accurate and up-to-date information on the spread of this pandemic remains a challenge. In this context, opting for a solution based on conversational artificial intelligence, also known under the name of the chatbot, is proving to be an unavoidable solution, especially since it has already shown its effectiveness in fighting the coronavirus crisis in several countries. This work proposes to design and implement a smart chatbot on the theme of COVID-19, called COVIBOT, which will be useful in the context of Saudi Arabia. COVIBOT is a generative-based contextual chatbot, which is built using machine learning APIs that are offered by the cloud-based Azure Cognitive Services. Two versions of COVIBOT are offered: English and Arabic versions. Use cases of COVIBOT are tested and validated using a scenario-based approach.
翻译:近两年来,科罗纳病毒大流行在我们高度关联和信息密集的社会中蔓延,然而,传播有关该流行病传播情况的准确和最新信息仍是一项挑战,在这方面,选择以对话人工智能为基础的解决办法(也以聊天室的名称而著称),证明是不可避免的解决办法,特别是因为它已经表明在若干国家应对科罗纳病毒危机方面的效力。这项工作提议设计和实施一个以COVID-19为主题的智能聊天室,称为COVIBOT,在沙特阿拉伯是有用的。COVIBOT是一种基于基因化的背景聊天室,是利用基于云的Azure Cognitive Services提供的机器学习动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动脉动