项目名称: 旱区多环芳烃在地表-地下水系统传输的动力学过程研究
项目编号: No.41202176
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 田华
作者单位: 西安科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 多环芳烃在环境中,特别是水环境中的迁移转化和归宿已成为当前国际地下水污染防治与保护研究的热点与难点,而揭示多环芳烃在地表-地下水系统不同界面传输过程是探明其迁移转化规律和提高预测环境归趋准确性的重要途径。本研究拟以石油开采为主的能源基地陕北风沙滩地区作为研究区,以石油类污染物多环芳烃为典型污染质,采用原位测试、室内物理模拟与数值模拟相结合的方法,综合考虑有机污染物在土壤-地下水环境中的对流-弥散、吸附-解吸、分配以及降解等行为特征,从地表-地下水系统不同界面动力学角度出发,建立地表-地下水系统中多环芳烃传输动力学模型,查明多环芳烃在地表-地下水系统中的迁移转化规律,为进一步研究有机污染物迁移归宿提供的理论依据,实现陕北能源化工基地的经济与环境的和谐发展。
中文关键词: 多环芳烃;行为特征;迁移转化;动力学模型;
英文摘要: Migration and transformation of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the environment, especially in the water environment has become the hot and difficult problems of the international researches on groundwater pollution prevention and protection. The transfer process of PAHs in the surface-groundwater system was proven an important way to reveal the behavior and improved the transforming simulation accuracy. Based on the Blown-sand Region where is the main area of oil exploitation and selected PAHs as the typical pollutant of petroleum, the study will carry out in situ testing, physical modeling and numerical simulation, combines the behavior characteristics of organic pollutants which included convection-diffusion, adsorption-desorption, distribution and degradation and establish a transmission dynamics model of PAHs in the surface-groundwater system. The model gives full consideration to the interface dynamics and couples the two systems which include surface-vadose zone and vadose zone-groundwater. The results can identify the migration and transformation in the surface-groundwater system. Further more it will be a theoretical basis for further study of the organic pollutants migration and achieve the harmonious development of economy and environment of Northern Shaanxi Energy and Chemical Base.
英文关键词: PAHs;behavior characteristics;migration and transformation;dynamics model;