项目名称: 多约束协同的彩色夜视影像亚像素超分辨率重建
项目编号: No.61501198
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 谢伟
作者单位: 华中师范大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 目前序列帧超分辨率重建主要针对理想成像环境中较高质量的影像,大多仅注重空间分辨率的提高,当应用于夜视影像(具有低照度、运动遮挡、大噪声、色彩信息不丰富等特点)时,效果往往不佳。. 本项目针对夜视影像特点和人眼视觉特性,将提高影像解译和可视判读能力作为最终目标,研究复杂夜视场景下的多约束夜视影像超分辨率重建方法。首先,为获取准确的运动信息,建立并改进低照度下高精度的TV-L1光流亚像素运动估计算法。其次,构建保持影像边缘特性的多尺度双边滤波算法来抑制重建中的噪声放大并调整影像的高动态范围。然后,研究基于日光影像统计特性和简化颜色空间的夜视场景色彩重构算法,改善色彩信息。最后,将上述多约束融入到POCS 重建的整体框架中,相互协同,迭代重建出空间分辨率和色彩分辨力都极大提高的影像。. 本研究对夜视影像中弱小信息的分割、提取、识别与解译等各种研究与应用都具有十分重要的意义。
中文关键词: 图像复原;超分辨复原;去模糊;退化图像复原;图像盲复原
英文摘要: Currently,super-resolution reconstruction methods based on image sequence are mainly for the higher quality images obtained from ideal imaging environment. Most of them only focus on the improvement of the spatial resolution. when these methods are used in night-vision images with low illumination, Movement blocked,higher noise, lack of color information, The effect is often very poor.. Consider the characteristics of night-vision imaging and human visual characteristics, night-vision multiple-constraints image super-resolution reconstruction under complex conditions are researched in these project. The ultimate goal is to improve theimage understanding and visual interpretation capabilities. Firstly, in order toobtain accurate motion information, high-precision low illumination TV-L1 (totalvariation -L1 norm) sub-pixel optical flow motion estimation method are established and improved.Secondly, building multi-scale bilateral filtering algorithm, which can keep theimage edge features well, to suppress noise amplification in the reconstructionprocess and adjust images high dynamic range. Then, in order to improve the colorinformation, the night-vision scene color reconstruction algorithm based on daylightimage statistical features and simplified color space is researched. Finally, the above-mentioned methods are integrated into the framework of POCS reconstruction,cooperated with each other, to greatly improve the image spatialresolution and color information.. This research has great significance for weak information processing in the night-vision image, such as segmentation, feature extraction, identification and interprets.
英文关键词: image restoration;Super resolution reconstruction;deblurring;degraded image restoration;blind image restoration