项目名称: 土壤中生物碳的老化过程与复合污染控制的耦合作用及机理
项目编号: No.21277120
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 陈宝梁
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 由于特殊结构和功能,生物碳在土壤固碳、污染控制与修复中具有巨大的应用潜力,引起国际环境和土壤领域的极大关注。本项目旨在探明土壤中生物碳的老化过程与复合污染控制的耦合作用及机理。研究土壤中生物碳的非生物和生物氧化作用,特别是生物碳与土壤组分(如DOM、Al、Si)、微生物、根系分泌物、植物-微生物信号分子的相互作用,从微观尺度和分子水平上探讨生物碳的物理化学-生物稳定性与结构特征和存在状态之间的关系;系统研究不同老化特征的生物碳与土壤中重金属、有机污染物的相互作用、分子机理、构-效关系及其影响因素(如生物碳制备工艺及前体物质);重点探究土壤中生物碳的老化过程-内源生物活性物质诱导-外源复合污染物修复的耦合作用及机理,阐明定植于老化生物碳的趋向性微生物的原位修复功能及时效性。试图为同步实现土壤复合污染控制-土壤固碳双目标提供理论指导,为保障我国土壤环境质量安全和可持续高效利用提供技术支撑。
中文关键词: 生物碳;分子结构;污染物;作用机理;土壤修复
英文摘要: Biochar is the product of thermal degradation of organic materials in the absence of air. Biochar has been described as possible means to improve soil fertility as well as other ecosystem services and sequester carbon to mitigate climate change. Production of biochar by pyrolysis of biomass and its storage in soils is of great potential in carbon sequestration and remediation of contaminated soils, which are the hot topic in the fields of Environmental Science and Soil Science. However, their coupled effects and mechanisms are not elucidated so far. The main objective of the current project is to elucidate the "weathering" of biochar in soils (i.e., aging) and its co-action with the remediation process of polluted soil with combined heavy metal and organic pollutant. To this end, the biotic and abiotic oxidation of biochar, especially the interaction with soil components (i.e., dissolved organic matters, dissolved aluminum, and silica), microorganisms, root exudes, and plant-microbe signal molecules are determined to explore the physical, chemical and biological stability of biochar. The dependence of biochar stabilities on the structural features and conformation of aging biochars are illustrated. Sorption of heavy metal and organics by various aged biochars (generated from different pyrolytic temperature and p
英文关键词: Biochar;Molecular structure;Pollutant;Interaction mechanism;Soil remediation