项目名称: 3D打印颅脑血管模型的剪切力分析及其与粥样硬化的相关性
项目编号: No.81471207
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 徐蔚海
作者单位: 中国医学科学院北京协和医院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 在冠状动脉和周围动脉的研究中,内皮剪切力被发现是粥样硬化发生、发展和易损性的重要决定因素。长期以来,由于技术手段的限制,颅内动脉剪切力的研究十分缺乏,其病理生理意义仍不清楚。申请人的前期工作表明:1、在血管影像重建后,3D打印技术可以制造出等比例的脑血管模型;2、3D高分辨率核磁可以将全脑动脉成像,准确评估斑块特性(分布、体积和成分)。由于3D打印技术能将体内血管原型转移到体外,它与3D高分辨率核磁的联用使体外研究颅内动脉剪切力成为可能。申请人拟基于核磁血管造影的源图像,建立3D 打印脑血管的模型;参考个体化循环参数,进行体外模拟灌注,利用粒子速度成像技术测定剪切力;将剪切力数据与原型高分辨核磁的颅内斑块特性进行匹配分析,确定其与粥样硬化的相关性。本项目是数字化制造科学和神经影像技术的交叉应用基础研究,具有高度原创性,有望建立颅内动脉剪切力的新理论,开创新的颅内动脉疾病的研究模式。
中文关键词: 缺血性脑卒中;动脉粥样硬化;颅内动脉狭窄;3维打印
英文摘要: The studies of coranary and peripharal artery suggest endothelial sheer stress is an important determinant of the formation,progression and vulnerability of atherosclerosis.Due to the technique limitations,intracranial sheer stress has been less well studied. In our previous studies, it was found: 1,3D printing techinque can perfectly establish in vitro intracranial vessel model, mimic in vivo vessel imaging.2,high resolution magnetic resonance imaging can depict intracranial vessel bed and provide accurately evaluation,including plaque distribution,volume,and components.In this study, we aim to use these two techniques together to elaborate the mechanisms of intracranial sheer stress hemodynamics. Based on magnetic resonance angiography source images,the individual 3D printing intracranial vessel models are established.In vitro perfusion and sheer stress measurements via particle image velocimetry will be performed according to individual circulation parameters.The results of sheer stress measurements will be matched with the characteristics revealed by high resolution magnetic resonance imaging and their relavance will be investigated.Current study is a highly original study, overlapped by digital material scicence and clinical imaging. New theroies of intracranial fluid dynamics and a new model for investigating intracranial vessel diseases will hopefully be established.
英文关键词: ischemic stroke;atherosclerosis;intracranial stenosis;three dimentional printing