项目名称: 复杂无线环境下的主动跨层恶意节点定位算法研究
项目编号: No.61202444
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 詹思瑜
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 在当今实际的无线网络中,由于无线数据业务的增长,以及无线网络安全性的需要,有必要开发一套有效的定位策略来定位无线网络中的恶意节点,以便对该节点进行处罚甚至驱逐出网络。另一方面,虽然定位是目前的研究热点,但是现在无线网络中的安全定位研究大多数是针对如何定位网络中的合法节点,没有考虑到存在恶意节点能蓄意隐藏自身位置的情况。事实上,恶意节点通过装备定向天线等高级无线电技术设备,能够躲避几乎目前所有的定位系统对其定位。为了解决这个问题,本项目创新性的提出了一种针对恶意节点的主动跨层定位策略,该策略通过一般的非测距定位设备即能定位恶意节点。其主要思想是首先判断攻击类型,再通过网络攻击追踪技术,定位到恶意节点的接入节点,最后通过多个接入点的协同工作来定位出恶意节点的真实物理位置,同时采用马尔科夫决策过程(MDP)对定位过程进行优化。该项目的研究能够弥补目前对无线网络安全定位的技术空白。
中文关键词: 无线网络;安全定位;马尔科夫决策过程;;
英文摘要: In current practical wireless networks, the growing interest in wireless data service and security requirements for wireless networking necessitates the development of an effective scheme which can locate an adversary in a wireless networks to make him account for his misdemeanors or expel him out of the network. On the other hand, while localization has been an active area of research recently, current research of secure localization mostly focuses on obtaining correct locations of legitimate users despite the existence that adversaries can malicious attack with deliberately hiding its true location. In fact, an adversaries equipped with advanced radio technologies can hide from almost all of the exsiting localization systems. To solve this challenging problem, a novel localization scheme called PLD (Proactive Localization Detection) is proposed, which can locate the attacker with traditional range-free localization equipments. The main idea is to use network attack traceback technology to local the access node of the adversary node then compute its coordinate through the coordination of multiple access points to locate the adversary node and optimize the process with a finite horizon discrete Markov decision process (MDP). The achievements of this project can fill in the gaps at the current secure localiza
英文关键词: wireless network;secure localization;MDP;;