项目名称: 工资上涨背景下的企业生灭和中国经济增长源泉:基于企业动态进入和退出模型的实证研究和政策探讨
项目编号: No.71273001
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 鄢萍
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 48万元
中文摘要: 随着人口结构的变化和新一代劳动者对工资的要求的变化,自2003年以来,工资水平持续上涨几成定势,“中国制造”的低劳动力成本优势正在遭遇挑战。中国制造业未来的增长源泉在哪里呢?我们考察出口、投资和技术进步。工资的上涨以及人民币汇率的双向波幅扩大,会否导致出口企业缩减生产和退出市场?当企业依赖投资来缓解工资上涨带来的成本压力这一渠道遭遇瓶颈,工资的上涨是否会通过倒逼技术落后的企业退出市场,从而为技术先进的潜在企业释放出资本和劳动力,让中国制造业通过全要素生产率的提高来获得增长能量?政府能够在挖掘增长源泉的过程中起到什么作用?本课题通过企业层面的数据的分析,在动态结构模型框架下研究企业的投资、劳动力需求、进入和退出(entry and exit)决策,再把微观企业的行为加总,得到上面问题的宏观层面的量化答案。
中文关键词: 劳动力需求;工资;再配置;投资;进入和退出
英文摘要: With the demographic structure changing and the new generation of labor demanding higher wages, since 2003, rising wages have been an inevitable trend,posing a big challenge to the cheap-labor advantage of “Made in China”. What are the sources of growth of China’s manufacturing sector in the future? We examine exports, investment, and technological progress. Will rising wages and higher volatility in exchange rate make firms reduce production and exit the market? When the firm faces bottlenecks in trying to make investment to compensate for the cost increase due to higher wages, will wage increase induce low-tech firms to exit the market, thus make room for potential high-tech firms to obtain capital and labor, and fuel the manufacturing sector’s growth through gains in total factor productivity? What roles can the government play in stimulating economic growth? Based on the analysis of firm-level data, this project studies firm’s investment, labor demand, entry and exit decisions in a dynamic structural model. Quantitative answers to the above questions at the macro level can be obtained by aggregating the behavior of firms at the micro level.
英文关键词: labor demand;wage;reallocation;investment;entry and exit