项目名称: 悬臂式抗滑桩三维土拱效应研究
项目编号: No.50878218
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 张永兴
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 通过理论分析、室内和现场试验相结合的方法研究悬臂式抗滑桩桩间土拱的形成机理和临界应力条件,确定悬臂式抗滑桩三维土拱的几何形状及作用范围,建立桩间滑体三维稳定性分析模型,获得桩间绕流阻力的数学表达式,给出悬臂式抗滑桩三维土拱稳定性的判别标准,综合研究滑体物理力学指标、滑坡推力分布形式、桩间距、桩正截面宽度、悬臂高度等要素对三维土拱效应的影响,据此提出合理桩间距的计算理论与方法,并阐明桩间距与桩间挡板所受荷载之间的关系。项目研究成果将对安全、经济、合理地设置抗滑桩的排列间距及进一步完善桩间挡板的设计理论奠定科学基础,对悬臂式抗滑桩结构及与该类型受力特点相类似的支挡结构设计理论发展均具有重要意义。研究成果在山区交通土建工程、城镇深基坑支护工程、库岸防护工程、地质灾害治理等领域有广阔的工程应用前景。
中文关键词: 悬臂式抗滑桩;三维土拱效应;绕流阻力;合理桩间距
英文摘要: The research which is based on theoretical analysis and text undergone both in laboratory and field is to realize forming mechanism and critical stress conditions of three-dimensional soil arching effect between adjacent cantilever anti-slide piles.Prospective purposes of item studies mainly include determining the three-dimensional geometry shape and action range. Subsequently, the stability analysis model of soil mass between piles is established according to certain of conditions. In order to provide judgement criterion about the stability of three-dimensional soil arching structure,explicit expressions of flow resistance from piles are derived. Based on study productions above, relationships between three-dimensional soil arching effect and some parameters are analyzed, such as mechanical properties of soil, distributions of slide thrust, spacings of adjacent piles, frontal widthes of pile, cantilever heights of pile and so on. Calculation of rational spacing between adjacent piles are also made to clarifying its connections to analysis method of perfected baffle load. Productions of item will provide academic and scientific basement to design spacing and baffle between adjacent piles with safety, economy and rationalization. It is significant to develop design theoretics of cantilever anti-slide pile and semblable structures. The results of research will bring broad application prospect in the fields of transportation engineering construction in mountain area, protecting engineering of deep foundation pits in town, strengthening engineering of reservoir bank slope, prevention measures of geohazard and so on.
英文关键词: cantilever anti-slide pile;three-dimensional soil arching effect; flow resistance from piles; rational spacing between adjacent piles