项目名称: 有机磷农药暴露对大鼠海马神经细胞的毒性效应及对映体选择性
项目编号: No.21307023
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 陆娴婷
作者单位: 杭州电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 近几年来,一些科研工作者对手性农药的环境安全性进行了研究,并发现手性农药在环境归趋、内分泌干扰、生殖毒性以及免疫毒性等方面均具有对映体选择性。然而,到目前为止对单一对映异构体引起的毒性作用的分子机制的研究还比较有限。为了更为准确地评估手性农药的环境风险性,有必要开展典型手性农药的环境风险性评价,并深入研究对映体选择性毒性的分子机制。因此,本项目拟以原代培养的大鼠海马神经细胞为体外细胞模型,以手性有机磷农药丙溴磷和马拉氧磷为对象, 应用分子生物学技术检测丙溴磷和马拉氧磷诱导海马神经细胞凋亡、氧化应激损伤,信号通路的激活以及细胞凋亡相关基因表达水平的变化,阐明丙溴磷和马拉氧磷的外消旋体和对映体引起海马神经细胞凋亡的差异性与诱导氧化应激、激活信号传导通路的差异性之间的相关性,为手性有机磷农药的环境安全性评价提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 细胞凋亡;氧化应激;丙溴磷;马拉氧磷;手性
英文摘要: Previous studies have demonstrated the occurrence of enantioselectivity of chiral pesticides in environmental fate, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity and immune toxicity. However, research on the molecular mechanisms of enantioselective toxicity of chiral pesticides has been limited. Therefore, it is important to investigate the environmental risk of a variety of typical chiral pesticides, and explore the toxic mechanism in-depth. In the present study, we used the rat hippocampus neurons in primary culture as an in vitro model to evaluate the mechanisms of enantioselective toxicity of several common used chiral organophosphorus pesticides, represented by profenofos and malaoxon. The changes of the ROS levels and antioxidant enzyme activity, MAPK signaling pathway correlated proteins, apoptosis gene expression levels and apoptosis were explored. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between the enantioselective difference of hippoampus apoptosis and oxidative stress and activation of signal pathways induced by profenofos and malaoxon. This paper provided a theoretical reference for researching and developing the environment-friendly pesticides.
英文关键词: apoptosis;oxidative stress;profenofos;Malaoxon;chiral