项目名称: 轻质多功能金属多层点阵夹层结构的隔/散热机理研究
项目编号: No.51206128
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 工程热物理与能源利用学科
项目作者: 冯上升
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 通过在多层金属点阵夹层结构部分层芯内填充隔热纤维、部分层芯内让冷却剂流过,本项目提出一种集被动隔热和主动散热于一体的轻质多功能防热结构。以往研究集中于金属点阵夹层结构的强制对流换热、且主要针对单层结构,隔热特性研究很少,尤其考虑多层金属点阵夹层结构的隔热与散热耦合更是鲜见。本项目拟采用实验、理论和数值计算相结合、宏细观相结合的研究方法,研究新型隔/散热结构的传热机理及重量优化方法,评价其隔/防热的技术效能。重点揭示高孔隙率金属点阵桁架导热、中间多层面板、隔热纤维、强制对流等对隔热性能的影响机制;建立不同层芯内导热、自然对流、热辐射和强制对流耦合换热的宏观瞬态传热理论模型;通过对各层芯高度梯度设计、合理布置强制对流层芯位置等措施,使隔/散热夹层结构重量达到最轻。本项目的研究将为金属点阵夹层结构在各种民用和军用工程中的广泛应用奠定理论基础和提供技术支撑。
中文关键词: 多孔金属;热防护;对流传热;相变材料;散热器
英文摘要: By integrating thermal insulation fibers and active cooling flow in a multi-layered sandwich panel with metallic lattice frame material (LFM) cores, a novel ultra-light and multi-functional thermal protection structure is proposed. As existing studies mainly focused on forced convection heat transfer in single layered LFM sandwich panels, little is known about the thermal insulation characteristics of LFM sandwich panels as well as the coupling between thermal insulation and active cooling in multi-layered sandwich panels. The present research squarely addresses this deficiency by evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed lightweight thermal protection structure with combined experimental measurements, numerical modeling and theoretic analysis. The research aims to:(1) explore the effects of face-sheet conduction, the presence of thermal insulation fibers, and forced convection on effective thermal conductivity of multi-layered LFM sandwich structures;(2) develop an analytical transient heat transfer model describing the conjugate heat transfer in different core layers of the structure; (3) optimize the thermal protection structure by considering graded core height, proper selection of the location of forced convection core, and simultaneous load-bearing. The research outputs have scientific significance as w
英文关键词: porous metals;thermal protection;convection cooling;phase change material;heat sink