项目名称: 重工业源引起的流域水环境风险累积特征与传导趋势研究
项目编号: No.41301573
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈秋颖
作者单位: 沈阳师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 快速的工业化进程导致重工业区流域水环境风险加剧,风险评价结果已成为管理者决策依据之一。传统的水环境风险评价多基于单一污染物或生态事件的风险现状分析,风险传导路径复杂且定量困难成为制约风险预测研究的主要瓶颈。本项目打破以往单纯的现状评价理念,以东北典型重工业区流域-太子河流域为研究对象,针对重工业风险源,应用GIS空间分析和暴露-响应监测等宏观与微观相结合的手段,一方面通过选取关键节点并计算其所在区域的水环境风险,揭示风险累积特征;一方面通过构建风险传导路径链,探讨风险传导趋势。具体内容包括:辨析风险源、因子、终点、节点等关联路径链,构建概念模型,并计算风险累积值;基于风险能量理论,结合流域河网分布确定风险释放方向、传导路径链及系数,绘制风险空间分异与趋势图。项目旨在揭示流域水环境风险累积特征与转移趋势,为风险评价与预测研究提供理论和方法支持,同时为现阶段复杂的流域水环境管理提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 重工业源;风险;累积;传导;重金属
英文摘要: Currently, basin has been become one of the region that facing largest ecological pressure and environment risk. As the association of water ecological risk in the internal of basin, it has important practical significance to explore the risk associated mechanism and spatial conduction characteristics for protection of watershed environmental health and maintenance of the ecological safety. With the rapid industrialization process, aquatic environmental risks in basin had been strengthened severely especially in the heavy industrial area, and risk assessment results had become one of the manager's bases for decision making. The traditional methods for water environmental risk assessment is mostly based on the status analysis of a single pollutant or ecological event, and the complex risk conduction path and difficult quantitative become the major bottleneck which are restricting risk prediction research. Taizihe River Basin, a typical heavy industry area basin in northeast China, will be selected as the study case and heavy industrial sources will be selected as the risk source. Based on environment risk assessment theory, this project will seek the risk cumulative characteristics and conduction trends of industrial source in the heavy industrial area by using macro-microscopic combination method include GIS hab
英文关键词: Heavy industry source;risk;accumulation;conduction;heavy metal