项目名称: 硅气凝胶核壳型绝热材料的结构控制及隔热机制研究
项目编号: No.51202015
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机非金属材料学科
项目作者: 李红伟
作者单位: 长安大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 降低绝热材料的传热系数是提升节能效果的重要手段之一;最近,申请人以硅气凝胶(<1vol%)为核聚苯乙烯为壳制备出核壳结构型珠粒,经发泡成型后材料的绝热性能比泡沫聚苯乙烯提高60%,抗压强度不变。本项目针对此新工艺,探索核壳结构型绝热材料的结构控制因素及该结构对传热性能的影响规律等关键科学问题,利用硅气凝胶提高材料绝热性能。研究悬浮聚合中搅拌方式、温度、分散剂等反应参数对核壳结构形态(粒度分布、核壳比等)的影响和控制,表征核壳结构在发泡成型后硅气凝胶在泡孔结构中的组织终态和界面结构等及对力学性能的影响,认识该结构降低绝热材料传热系数的基本规律。通过研究,揭示该工艺的本质特征,阐明反应参数对产物形貌的影响规律,初步揭示核壳型结构对绝热材料传热性能的影响规律;为该方法制备结构可控、品质更优的绝热材料提供理论和实践指导,加快实现该工艺工业化生产和实际应用进程。
中文关键词: 二氧化硅气凝胶;聚苯乙烯;悬浮聚合;绝热材料;核壳结构
英文摘要: It is one of the most important ways to save energy by decreasing heat transfer coefficient of insulation materials.Rencently, the applicants have prepared beads with the structure of silica aerogel core(less than 1vol%) and polystyrene shell;the thermal insulation of material after foaming molding decreased about 60% than the one of expanded polystyrene with the remained compressive strength. In this project, such key scientific issues as the controllling of insulation material structure with core-shell structure and low heat transfer mechanism will be discussed systematically in order to innovate reational utilization of super insulation silica aerogel. Study stirring method、temperatur and so on in synthesis process of insulation materials with silica aerogel core-shell structure by such mechods as suspension polymerization and the factors that affect core-shell structure and morphology(core-shell rotio,size distribution, and so on) in the process; study of the final structure silica aerogel in foam materials and interface between silica aerogel and matrix; focus on the low heat transfer mechanism by adding traces of silica aerogel. By the above reasearh, the applicants except to diecover the essential characteristics of the process, to clarify the law of reaction parameters on the morphology, reveal the mecha
英文关键词: silica aerogel;polystyrene;suspension polymerization;insulation material;core-shell structure