项目名称: 基于VM生成通路HIF-1ɑ/VEGF/PI3K探讨“芪蓝方”抑制前列腺癌作用分子机制
项目编号: No.81503589
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 尤耀东
作者单位: 成都中医药大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 前列腺癌是老年男性泌尿系统常见恶性肿瘤,西医治疗有其局限性,中医药能提高带瘤患者生活质量,在延缓前列腺癌转移与进展方面有巨大发展前景。芪蓝方立方于前列腺癌“气血失调、寒热错杂”基本病机,强调调气和血、寒温并用治法,临床疗效确切。本项目组前期研究发现,该方能抑制前列腺癌中VEGF的表达,结合HIF-1ɑ/VEGF/VE-cadherin/PI3K信号通路是前列腺癌血管生成拟态 (VM)生成重要机制的研究进展,提出芪蓝方通过调控该通路作用于前列腺癌的假说,拟用体外前列腺癌细胞模型和裸鼠前列腺癌模型,运用QPCR、Western bloting、RNA干扰等方法,观察芪蓝方对前列腺癌细胞HIF-1α、VEGF、VE-cadherin、PI3K及其mRNA的表达,探索芪蓝方的作用靶点和作用机制,对阐明芪蓝方的科学内涵具有重要意义,为中医药防治前列腺癌奠定基础。
中文关键词: 前列腺癌;芪蓝方;血管生成拟态;信号通路;分子机制
英文摘要: Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor of urinary system in elderly men; traditional Chinese medicine has a better effect in improving the quality of life and delaying the transfer and worsens of patients with tumor. “Qilanfang” was made based on the basic pathogenesis “disorder of Qi and blood, cold and heat mixed” of prostate cancer, which has achieved curative clinical effect with therapy of harmonizing Qi and blood, both regulating cold and warm. Previous study found that it can inhibit VEGF expression in prostate cancer. On the basis of HIF-1ɑ/VEGF/VE-cadherin/PI3K to be the signaling pathway in prostate cancer’s vascular mimicry (VM) formation, we proposed qilanfang treating the tumor by regulating this pathway. So this project intends to take prostate cancer cell model in vitro and nude mouse model of prostate cancer, with QPCR, Western blotting, RNA interference to observe the expression of HIF-1α、VEGF、VE-cadherin、PI3K and mRNA after qilanfang interference in order to explore the target and mechanism of the medicine. We intend to find out the foundation of Chinese traditional medicine in the treatment of prostate cancer by this project.
英文关键词: prostate cancer;qilanfang;vasculogenic mimicry;signal path;molecular mechanism