项目名称: 航天员月面便携式组合导航方法研究
项目编号: No.61203196
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 胡海东
作者单位: 北京控制工程研究所
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 航天员月面便携式组合导航将为航天员在月面进行科学探索提供精确的导航信息,从而有效保证月面科研活动顺利完成和航天员人身安全。目前,航天员月面便携式组合导航研究仅仅局限于登陆场,并没有对全月面环境的航天员导航展开研究,惯常采用的导航方式为惯导和无线电导航,其导航精度易受到无线电信号缺失的影响。针对这种情况,本课题旨在对航天员全月面环境下多传感器导航展开研究,模拟月球极区、月球坑内部、晚间月面和月面着陆场四种典型月面环境,提出月面极区断续信号下惯导/无线电导航方法、月球坑内视觉/激光测距立体匹配定位方法、月面晚间红外/激光测距导航方法,月面登陆场局部导航方法,并对多模型组合导航信息融合滤波方法及其稳定性展开研究;在此基础上,建立惯导/无线电/视觉/激光测距航天员月面便携式组合导航仿真平台,并通过实验测试对上述方法进行验证。本课题完成对未来航天员月面导航系统建立具有重要理论意义和实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 月面导航;月面图像特征提取;便携式导航;组合导航;
英文摘要: Astronaut lunar surface portable navigation (ALSPN) will provide the precise navigation information to the astronauts for their scientific exploration on the lunar surface.Therefore, ALSPN can ensure the completion of the lunar surface scientific research activity and astronauts' safety. Now the investigation of the ALSPN is constrainted in the landing area and the ALSPN in the full lunar environment has not been investigated. And the traditional navigation mode is inertial navigation (IN) and radio navigation, whose navigation precision trends to be impacted by the lack of the radio signal. Because of the aboving problems, this project aims to investigate the astronaut multi-sensor navigation under the full-lunar-surface environment and simulates four standard lunar surface environments, i.e. lunar polar area, lunar crater's bowel, night lunar surface and lunar surface landing spot. This project will also propose four algorithms, i.e. the IN/radio navigation algorithm with the spiccato signals in the lunar polar area, the vision/laser ranger (LR) stereo matching algorithm in the lunar crater, the infrared/LR navigation algorithm on the night lunar surface, the local navigation algorithm in the lunar landing spot. Furthermore, this project will investigate the multi-model integrated navigation information fusion
英文关键词: lunar surface navigation;lunar surface image feature extraction;portable navigation;integrated navigation;