项目名称: 有害物品运输网络逆向设计与优化研究
项目编号: No.71272016
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 魏航
作者单位: 上海财经大学
项目金额: 53万元
中文摘要: 本项研究基于逆向优化的角度,以设计和优化有害物品运输网络为研究对象,旨在丰富有害物品运输的理论与应用。针对有害物品的危害特性,结合逆向优化方法和理论,从宏观的角度出发,通过逆向设计与优化有害物品运输网络,使有害物品运输车辆自动选择风险较低的运输路径,避开人口密集地区,有效降低运输风险。首先,根据有害物品运输风险的多种表达形式,研究其对运输路径选择和逆向网络优化的影响;进而研究基于静态、随机和时变有害物品运输网络的逆向设计和优化,定义和测度随机和时变因素对有害物品运输的影响,构建具有互动效应的双层有害物品运输网络逆向模型,设计有效的求解算法;并进一步研究有害物品运输网络逆向优化的鲁棒性,获得网络逆向优化策略的有效性分析。通过本项研究,将在理论方面完善网络逆向优化的研究,从实际应用方面将加强我国有害物品运输的网络设计,提升管理有害物品运输的能力,降低有害物品运输的风险,保护人民生命财产安全。
中文关键词: 有害物品;网络;设计;优化;
英文摘要: Many of the materials transported by trucks, trains, vessels, and planes are flammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive, or radioactive. Because being harmful of those materials, there will be potential risk in hazardous materials(HAZMAT) transportation. Compared with the path selection in given network, this project, from the inverse angle of view, presents an analytical approach for the problem of designing a road network for HAZMAT shipments. That means government's authority can change certain road segments to hazmat transportation by using toll policy or close the segments in the network. Based on the inverse network design and optimization, HAZMAT carriers can naturally pursuit the road with low public and environmental risk. There are three main problems in this research. First of all, because there are many different risk definitions and requirements in HAZMAT transportation, we need to investigate the effection of the different risk measure and requirements in road selecting and network inverse design. Secondly, we will discuss the HAZMAT transportation network inverse design and optimization in deterministic, stochastic and time-varying network. The effection of the deterministic, stochastic and time-varying network in HAZMAT transportation needs to deeply discuss. Then, the inverse bi-level network d
英文关键词: hazardous material;network;design;optimization;