项目名称: 高温反应气氛对煤焦表面基团行为及其NO还原影响的机理研究
项目编号: No.50876061
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 范卫东
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 38万元
中文摘要: 实验发现煤焦还原NO效率并非气氛中氧浓度越低越好,传统的N氧化/还原反应机理无法对此作出合理的解释。表面化学的最新研究成果表明:C-NO异相反应通过煤焦(炭)表面活性基团C(O)、C(N)等的参与发生作用。但已有研究多限于相对较低的温度区域(≤000℃#65289;。由于炭表面基团行为与反应气氛及温度密切相关,研究燃煤高温条件(>1000℃#65289;的表面基团行为及其对煤焦异相脱硝的作用机理有重要的理论与实用价值。申请人拟借助高温固定床反应装置和相关仪器方法,研究高温下燃煤烟气主要单一气氛和联合气氛对煤焦还原NO影响规律,探究气氛对煤焦表面基团形成量、基团种类等基团行为的影响规律和程度,从而建立煤焦还原NO反应规律与煤焦表面基团行为的内在联系,阐明高温下气氛对煤焦表面基团的影响是煤焦还原NO的重要机理。本项目是煤焦还原NO的基础课题,研究成果将为我国燃煤低NOX控制新技术的发展和应用奠定坚实的理论基础。
中文关键词: 煤焦;还原反应;反应气氛;氮氧化物;表面基团
英文摘要: It was found in the experiment that the efficient of coal char reducing NOx is not higher when oxygen faction of gas atmosphere is lower. According to the traditional mechanism of nitrogen oxidize and reduction reaction, we can't make a reasonable explain to this. The latest research result of the surface chemistry shows that coal char's surface complexes including C(O)、C(N) have significant effects on the heterogeneous reduction of NO by coal char. But the past research works almost limited to low temperature zone(≤000℃ experiments. The coal char surface complexes behaviors are closely related with reaction atmosphere and temperature, so there are important theories and practical value to study surface complexes behaviors and their effect on the heterogeneous reduction of NO by coal char under the condition of high temperature (>1000℃. Under the conditions of high temperature, the effects of main single atmosphere and multi-atmospheres in gas on reduction of NO by coal char are investigated by using high temperature fixed bed and other measurement methods. The laws and degree of effect of reaction atmospheres on surface complexes formation amount and species are considered to be study works. Through these works,it is expected that the inherent connection of the reduction law of NO by coal char and surface complexes behaviors is built up. Then it is clarified that the influnce of reduction atmosphere under high temperature on surface complexes behaviors is the important mechanism of reduction of NO by coal char. This is a foundamental research subject topic about reduction of NO by coal char. The final research achievements will be theoretical foundation to develop novel combustion techniques with low NOx emission for pulverized coal combustion field in China.
英文关键词: Coal char; Reduction reaction; Reaction atmosphere; Nitrogen oxide; Surface complexes