项目名称: 欠驱动多机器人系统协同控制及其在远程遥操作系统中的应用
项目编号: No.61473248
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 王洪斌
作者单位: 燕山大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 多机器人协同工作能完成单机器人无法完成的任务,欠驱动机器人系统具有重量轻、成本低、能耗低等众多优点,使得欠驱动多机器人系统的协同控制具有潜在应用前景。本项目聚焦于研究欠驱动多机器人系统的协同控制问题,并将结果应用于远程遥操作系统。首先研究网络化欠驱动多机器人系统建模问题,融合网络参数信息和外界环境力信息给出关联滞后随机非线性系统模型。其次根据建立的模型,研究欠驱动多机器人系统的稳定性分析和控制问题,建立系统融合网络性能参数的稳定性判据,提出对外界环境自适应能力强、鲁棒性强的控制策略。最后在此基础上,研究网络化多机器人遥操作系统的控制问题,提高系统的稳定性能和透明性能。通过上述内容的研究,建立欠驱动多机器人系统的基本理论研究框架,有望为核事故救援、空间探测等遥操作应用领域提供理论支撑。
中文关键词: 多机器人系统;欠驱动机器人;协同控制;遥操作;网络化系统
英文摘要: The coordinated work of the multiple robots can achieve task objectives which can not be done by a single robot. The underactuated robot system has many advantages, such as light weight, low cost and low energy consumption. Because of the characteristics the coordinated control of underactuated multi-robot systems have potential application prospects. This project will focus on the coordinated control of underactuated multi-robot systems and the applications on teleoepration system. Firstly, the modeling problem is considered for networked underactuated multi-robot systems, and the interconnected nonlinear system model with time delays and external environment force parameter is constructed. Secondly the analysis and control problem are investigated for the new model. New stability criteria will be proposed with the consideration of the network parameters. Moreover, the new control shchemes with outstanding of adaptive capacity and strong robustness will be proposed. Finally, the research results are applied to control of the networked teleoperation system with multiple robots. The novel master and slave controllers will be designed to guarantee the stability performance and improve the transparency performance for the teleoperation. With the above research achievements, we aim to establish the fundamental research theorem framework of networked underactuated multi-robot systems. The theoretical results will be applied to the rescue in nuclear accident, space exploration and some other practical teleoperation enginerring systems.
英文关键词: multi-robot system;underactuated robot;coordinated control;teleoperation;networked system