项目名称: 中国进城农民工同乡同行扎堆创业现象的发生与发展机制研究
项目编号: No.71473256
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 郑风田
作者单位: 中国人民大学
项目金额: 63万元
中文摘要: 我国农民工在城市创业具有一个独特的二同现象,即同乡农民工往往在相同的行业进行扎堆创业。例如,湖南新化人占据了北京高校的多数文印市场份额,福建沙县小吃扩展到了大江南北,就连北京许多小区的收废品行业也主要被河南固始人占据。这些农民工同乡同行扎堆创业形式究竟是分散的个案还是一种普遍的现象?其创业发展过程具有什么样的规律?与其他的创业形式又具有什么样的不同?本研究基于农民工同乡同行扎堆创业的典型现象,试图从创业机会识别、创业扩展机制、创业危机和对策建议这四个专题进行探讨,揭示乡群网络结构、创业行为榜样作用、创业潮涌效应以及文化短路效应对这些创业现象的影响作用。最后对这种农民同乡同行扎堆创业现象与其他的创业形式的差异进行总结,揭示进城农民工同乡同行扎堆创业现象的一般规律,对这种农民创业现象的健康发展提出一些前瞻性参考。
中文关键词: 农民工同乡扎堆创业;发展机制;社会网络;文化
英文摘要: Peasants migrant workers entrepreneurship in urban has a unique phenomenon, namely rural homo-migration entrepreneurship clusters in same industry. For example, Xinhua people natives occupied most of market share of the printing market in universities; Sha County snacks extended to the north and south of China; even waste collection industry in Beijing is mainly occupied by Gushi natives. Is rural homo-migration entrepreneurship a scattered case or a general phenomenon? What is the law of rural homo-migration entrepreneurship? What are differences between rural homo-migration entrepreneurship and other kinds of entrepreneurship? Base on the cases of rural homo-migration entrepreneurship clusters in same industry, this study is consisted of business opportunities identification, business expansion mechanism, entrepreneurial crisis and suggestions, and analyzes how the social network structure, role model, entrepreneurship wave phenomena and group culture affect the development of rural homo-migration entrepreneurship. Finally, the research compares the differences of ethnic entrepreneurship between China and other countries to summarize the general laws of rural homo-migration entrepreneurship, and offers some advices to rural entrepreneurial policies.
英文关键词: rural homo-migration entrepreneurship clusters in same industry;development mechanism;social network;culture