项目名称: 城市铜资源社会存量时空分布格局及其影响机制研究
项目编号: No.71203090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 宏观管理与政策
项目作者: 张玲
作者单位: 南京林业大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 目前我国铜资源利用形势严峻,"城市采矿"是铜资源可持续利用的重要途径,而铜资源在城市中的社会存量时空分布格局是有效开发"城市铜矿山"的重要理论依据。本研究在对典型城市实地调查和数据分析的基础上,首先采用"自下而上"的物质社会存量核算方法,构建我国城市铜社会存量核算框架和核算方法,刻画城市铜社会存量的时空分布格局,识别影响城市铜社会存量时空分布格局的主要经济活动类型和方式,并进而识别影响相应经济活动类型和方式的资源、经济、制度、技术等关键要素,解析各要素在不同铜存量子系统中对各类经济活动类型和方式的作用过程,从而归纳阐释城市铜社会存量时空分布格局的影响机制;最后进行应用示范,核算案例城市铜社会存量,并基于机制解析结果预测案例城市未来5~10年铜社会存量发展情景及铜资源报废情景,并针对其"城市铜矿山"的开发提出相应政策建议。研究成果将为制定我国再生铜回收利用政策以及铜产业发展战略提供指导。
中文关键词: 环境规划;资源管理;物质流分析;循环经济;
英文摘要: China is now faced with severe insufficiency of domestic copper resources, with the idea of urban mining providing a potential way for sustainable copper utilization. It is necessary to understand copper utilization pattern at city level if the strategy of urban mining is to be carried out. The study will characterize the temporal and spatial pattern of copper in-use stocks in typical cities in China, then identify the main driving forces of this pattern, and thus provide instructions for policy-makers on urban mining of copper resource. Firstly, based on the bottom-up method of metal in-use stocks, we will provide a model to calculate copper in-use stocks in typical Chinese cities. And then, we will characterize the temporal and spatial pattern of copper in-use stocks in these cities. The spatial boundary includes the urban and suburb region of a city, and the time period is from 2005 to 2014.We then will identify which kinds of economic activities cause the temporal and spatial pattern of copper in-use stocks, and further analyze the driving forces that decide these main economic activities. These driving forces will include but is not limited to regional resources, regional culture and policies, economic development level, and technology innovation. Based on above, we will conduct a case study. A scenario ana
英文关键词: environmental planning;resource management;substance flow analysis;circular economy;