项目名称: 磁重力补偿下冶金熔体/溶液中气泡动态行为基础研究
项目编号: No.51274137
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 雷作胜
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 低微重力环境下气泡在液相中的运动规律及其控制,是优化和完善空间科学诸多关键技术所面临的共性问题。但由于低微重力实验条件获得不易,难以开展充分的研究。利用超导梯度强磁场产生的磁体积力来补偿或部分补偿重力,使在气液两相体系中开展长时间、低成本的低微重力实验成为可能,具有重要意义。为此,本项目提出,基于超导梯度强磁场的磁重力补偿效应,发展和完善针对气液两相体系模拟低微重力环境的相似理论和设计思想,采用磁化率不同的多种气-液体系进行气泡动态行为的可视化模拟实验,建立包括磁场、流场以及两相动态界面捕捉的多物理场耦合数学模型,重点对低微重力环境下气泡在液固界面以及液相中的形核-生长-脱附-上浮的动态行为进行研究。在科学层面,获得不同重力水平下气泡在熔体/溶液中运动行为的机制与一般规律;在技术层面,为在地面条件下模拟空间环境两相流进行理论和实验上的探索,为解决空间冶金及材料制备中的一些关键问题提供参考。
中文关键词: 磁重力补偿;梯度磁场;气泡;泡沫动力学;液滴
英文摘要: How about the gas bubbles dynamic behavior and how to control them in liquid melts or liquid solutions under reduced or micro gravity? These are important and common problems on optimizing many processing in space science and technology such as metallic foaming, welding, flow boiling heat transfer and water electrolysis. Due to limited availability experiments under reduced or micro gravity condition, the studies in this area is still quiet fragmentary and a general picture of the gas bubbles dynamic behavior is far to be completed. For this reason, magnetic gravity compensation, as a replacement way to achieve reduced or even micro gravity condition by imposing a magnetic volume force directly anti-parallel to the gravity force, make it possible to perform ground-based experiments under simulated reduced or micro gravity in a long term with reasonable cost. This proposal will focus on the fundamental research on gas bubbles dynamic behavior in metallurgical melt or solution under magnetic gravity compensation caused by the superconductive gradient magnetic field. Following profound research are expected to be completed: (1) Similarity principle and design rules will be developed in order to simulate ground-based reduced and micro gravity condition by magnetic gravity compensation specially for studying gas-liq
英文关键词: Magnetic Gravity Compensation;Gradient Magnetic Field;Gas Bubbles;Foams Dynamics;Liquid Droplet