项目名称: 新疆野生扁桃自交不亲和性的分子机制研究
项目编号: No.31260465
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 曾斌
作者单位: 新疆农业大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 新疆野生扁桃是我国珍贵的野生果树资源,我们在对新疆野生扁桃授粉生物学特性调查及种质资源遗传多样性等前期研究的基础上,进一步以分布于新疆的5个自然居群的野生扁桃为材料,通过同源克隆法克隆自交不亲和的S-Rnase和F-box基因以及一类新的花粉特异表达且与花粉决定因子相互作用的基因SSK1(S-locus F-box-interacting SKP1-like 1),利用Southen、Northern blot杂交技术,同时利用酵母双杂交、Pull dwon等方法进行自交不亲和基因的鉴定与功能分析,探讨S-Rnase、F-box以及SSK1基因在野生扁桃自交不亲和反应中的作用机制,预期结果对阐明蔷薇科果树自交不亲和性机制研究提供新的实验证据,为扁桃自交亲和性品种选育奠定重要的分子与遗传学基础,同时研究结果对于进一步丰富野生果树的起源演化理论以及种质资源保护及利用等方面都具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 新疆野扁桃;自交不亲和性;S基因;分子机制;
英文摘要: Xinjiang wild almond(Prunus tenella) is the precious wild fruit tree resources, world-famous, On the basis of study on propagate biological characteristics and genetic diversity of germplasm resources, To further to using the resources of the five natural populations of wild almond in Xinjiang, Using Homologous cloning method clone the self-incompatibility S-Rnase gene, F-box gene and SSK1 gene, The identification of the self-incompatibility genes and functional analysis Using Southern blot, Northern blot, Yeast two hybrid and Pull dwon methods, In order to study the self-incompatibility response mechanism about S-Rnase, F-box and SSK1 gene in Xinjiang wild almond. The expected results would provide new experimental evidence and lay the molecular genetic basis for elucidating the Rosaceae fruit self-incompatibility mechanism research, for breeding almond self-compatibility variety. At the same time, The results of the study has important significance about enriching the theory of the evolutionary origin and protection and utilization of the wild fruit tree germplasm resources.
英文关键词: Prunus tenella Batsch.;Self-incompatiblility;S-gene;Molecular mechanism;