项目名称: 捣固车计算机自动引导一体化控制系统关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61263023
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 王海瑞
作者单位: 昆明理工大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 本课题从提高我国铁路大型养护机械综合自动化水平、实现铁路作业过程优化、提高铁路运营效率的重大需求出发,针对捣固车自动引导系统控制与优化,从中提出亟待解决的问题,课题采用智能控制理论研究捣固车自动引导一体化控制系统整体控制策略和运行控制方法,包括捣固车一体化控制系统的体系结构、控制策略以及运行控制方法等。采用数据和知识融合方法,建立基于数据和知识的捣固车自动引导系统的实时智能运行优化模型和方法。进一步对捣固车自动引导一体化控制系统的实时运行优化体系结构及设计方法进行研究;深入探讨基于数据和知识的实时智能运行优化理论模型和方法,提出捣固车故障预报与安全运行维护理论模型与方法。项目以捣固车典型自动引导过程入手,结合交叉学科的优势,提出新的捣固车计算机自动引导一体化控制系统的理论模型,为捣固车计算机自动引导系统的进一步研究与应用提供新思路和理论依据。
中文关键词: 捣固车;自动引导一体化控制系统;信息融合;轨道线型;作业参数
英文摘要: In order to fulfill the need to improve the automation level of our nation's large railway maintenance machinery, the need to optimize railway operation processes, and the significant demand to improve railway operation efficiency, aimed to address the problems that arise when designing and optimizing the control system of railway tamping machine's automatic guidance system, this project applies intelligent control theory to the control strategies and operation control methods of the integrated control system of the tamping machine's automatic guidance system, which includes the architecture of railway tamping machine's integrated control system, control strategies, and operation control methods, etc. This project uses data and knowledge fusion methods to build real-time intelligent operation optimization model and related methods for railway tamping machine's automatic guidance system. This project will do further research on the architecture and design process of real-time operation optimization of integrated control system of railway tamping machine's automatic guidance system. This project will develop novel data and knowledge based models and methods for real-time intelligent operation optimization theory and propose methods for fault prediction, safety operation and maintenance of railway tamping machin
英文关键词: Tamper machine;Automatic guided integrated control system;infation fusion;Raiway line;Job processing parameter