项目名称: 太平洋鳕仔稚鱼免疫力的消长及其与NNV抗衡的分子机理
项目编号: No.31302202
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 毛明光
作者单位: 大连海洋大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 太平洋鳕是我国北方重要的海水经济鱼类,人工繁育期间会出现短期大量死亡现象,其原因尚不清楚。研究发现,多种海水鱼类携带诺达病毒(NNV),当鱼的免疫力低时,NNV会爆发而导致鱼类大量死亡。鱼类发育初期主要依赖于非特异免疫(包括母源抗体)的保护,随着发育的进程,这种免疫力不能满足鱼体的需求。若特异免疫系统发育较晚,仔稚鱼的免疫力可能在一段时间内相对薄弱,导致了鱼体自身携带病毒的爆发,推测这可能是鱼苗早期大量死亡的主要原因。为了证实这一推测,本项目将在太平洋鳕人工繁殖实验的基础上分别从⑴ 干扰素信号通路和⑵ T/B细胞中V(D)J重排过程,来探讨太平洋鳕仔稚鱼期免疫力的消长;⑶ 确定太平洋鳕所携带的NNV衣壳蛋白基因结构与早期感染机制,从而揭示太平洋鳕仔稚鱼自身免疫力与携带病毒抗衡的机理。本项目的研究结果,不仅丰富了太平洋鳕免疫学基础,而且为突破太平洋鳕人工繁育技术难题提供重要的理论依据。
中文关键词: 太平洋鳕;特异免疫;干扰素系统;神经坏死病毒;分子机制
英文摘要: Pacific cod is one of the important econmic marine fish in Northern China, however the reasons of high mortality during artificial breeding remain unclear.It was reported that a variety of marine fish were the carriers of Nodavirus, and the virus will outbreak when fish immunity becomes weak, which leading to high mortality. The larvae are primarily protected by innate immune system including maternal antibodies, but this immunity will not meet the need of fish body during development. If the development of specific immune system happens later, the larvae immunity may get weak in a certain period of time, so the carried virus will outbreak,this maybe the reason of high mortality of the larvae. In order to confirm the hypothesis, the project will be carried based on the artificial breeding experiment of Pacific cod. (1)Interferon signal pathway will be studied to reveal the antiviral mechanism of the innate immunity in the larvae; (2) V(D)J recombination process of developing T and B cells will be probed by RAG1/2 and BCR (Ig) to reveal the occurrence, development and maturation of the specific immune system. (3)Meanwhile, Nodavirus will be confirmed and detected using RT-PCR to reveal the relationship between immunity and Nodavirus of the artificial breeding larvae. The work will not only enrich the Pacific cod
英文关键词: Pacific cod;specific immunity;interferon system;nevous necrosis virus;molecular mechanism