项目名称: 参数偏差影响下三维多核芯片的系统性能优化
项目编号: No.61204027
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 靳松
作者单位: 华北电力大学(保定)
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 三维多核设计为高性能、高吞吐的应用需求提供了一种有力的解决方案。参数偏差却会降低系统性能,威胁芯片可靠性。本项目提出一整套系统性方法以克服参数偏差对于三维多核芯片的负面影响。⒈硬件方面,提出动态可重构电压/频率岛的设计和实现方法,减小核间性能差异,提高系统吞吐量。具体内容包括:⑴研究面向三维多核芯片的电压/频率岛评估模型。该模型根据核间性能差异图给出运行时能够匹配不同特性程序的最优电压/频率岛划分和配置方案,在满足热约束的前提下实现系统性能最优化。⑵研究三维多核芯片上动态可重构电压/频率岛的实现方法。提出三种电源分布网络拓扑结构,借助TSV和门控晶体管实现动态重构电压/频率岛及每核电源门控。⒉软件方面,提出考虑静、动参数偏差联合效应的线程调度算法以提高系统可靠性。通过系统可靠性模型量化处理芯核的失效率,指导调度算法根据程序运行时特性进行动态线程迁移,延长系统的平均失效前时间(MTTF)。
中文关键词: 参数偏差;三维多核;任务调度;动态电压频率岛;可靠性
英文摘要: Three dimensional (3-D) multi-core is a promising solution for high-performance, high-throughput applications. Parameter variability, however, tends to degrade the system performance and threat the chip reliability. In this project, a suite of systematic schemes are proposed to overcome the negative impacts of parameter variability on the 3-D multi-core design. 1. Design and implementation methodologies of dynamically configurable voltage/frequency island (VFI) are proposed to reduce the performance variation among cores and improve the system throughput. To be specific, (1) an evaluation model is proposed for VFI partitioning and configuring (VFI P&C) on 3-D multi-core. Given the core-to-core variation map, the proposed evaluation model can be used to determine the optimal VFI P&Cs which can match the programs with different characteristics in the runtime, thereby maximizing the system performance under the thermal constraint. (2) Researching on implementation of the configurable VFI for 3-D multi-core. Three kinds of topologies for power distribution network are proposed, which rely on TSV and supply gating transistors to dynamically re-construct the VFI and achieve per-core power gating in the runtime. 2. A thread scheduling algorithm is proposed to improve the system reliability under the joint effect of sta
英文关键词: parameter variability;3-D multi core;task scheduling;dynamic voltage-frequency islands;reliability