项目名称: 西北高原环境下运动氧化应激与免疫反应相关联的生物学标志研究
项目编号: No.31260251
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 董静梅
作者单位: 兰州城市学院
项目金额: 52万元
中文摘要: 高原训练引起的免疫抑制及氧化应激损伤已是不争的事实,本研究拟通过递增负荷的自行车运动形式,在海平面和高原地域实施相同运动负荷的交叉实验进行氧化应激与免疫反应关联度的研究。应用神经-免疫-内分泌调节网络理论探讨普通人在高原环境下运动氧化应激反应规律,取运动负荷期及负荷后的不同时间内的血液、尿液、唾液为样本,筛选出氧化应激与免疫反应高度关联的生物学指标;选取具有高度关联的指标再进行不同取样中的相关分析,建立同一指标在不同样液中的回归关系,力求在唾液或尿液中获得高度敏感的生物学标志;最后探寻高原环境引起运动氧化应激损伤的临界浓度,分别以DNA损伤、心肌损伤、高原肺水肿的浓度为临界标准,制定引起高原训练细胞免疫抑制、高原心肌损伤及高原肺水肿的免疫反应的临界标准,作为高原运动氧化损伤的临界生物学标志。为制定氧化应激损伤的技术检测进行前期的理论积累,预警高原环境下运动引起的各种心、脑、肺等疾病的发生。
中文关键词: 高原环境;氧化应激损伤;免疫反应;生物标志物;运动
英文摘要: There is a fact that high altitude training can induce immunosuppression and oxidase stress damage. This study is to investigate the correlation between the exercise-induced oxidase stress and immune response of ordinary people in the high altitude environment by building the crossover experiment of cycling which load the same exercise at sea level and high altitude region with the methods of stepwise regression analysis. On the basis of theoretical reasoning and the disciplinary of regulating network of nerves-immune- endocrine, a biomarkers which is highly associated immune response and oxidase stress will be bolting and obtain at different times after the exercise and in exercise form blood, urine and saliva samples. And then, we determine the indexes various of oxidative stress and immune response by stepwise regression analysis for screening biomarker which is highly sensitive in urine and saliva. At last, we selected the critical concentration that is caused DNA damage, myocardial injury as the critical concentration of high altitude pulmonary edema, myocardial damage to represent the critical biomarker for the immune suppression associated with exercesie-induced oxidase stress. The aim of all these is to accumulation of early theory and preventing the occurrence of heart, brain, lung and other diseases ca
英文关键词: high altitude environment;oxidative stress damage;immune response;biomarker;exercise