项目名称: 高温矿井制冷降温影响风流稳定性的机理研究
项目编号: No.51274098
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 邹声华
作者单位: 湖南科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 高温矿井的热害是矿井安全高效开采的重大灾害之一,解决热害问题,往往采用制冷降温方法。矿井制冷降温时,冷源与矿井空气要进行强制性的热质交换,产生动力学效应,影响矿井风流的稳定性,威胁矿井安全生产。本项目针对此问题,采用理论分析、数值模拟、现场测试及实验研究的方法,以高温矿井为研究对象,主要研究:制冷降温系统与通风系统的耦合作用机理;制冷降温系统对矿井风温、风压及其稳定性的影响规律;制冷降温时所引起的风流在工作面处的叠加、传递及衰减规律;制冷降温引起的风流脉动对上隅角瓦斯积聚影响的局部脉动效应,等等。揭示制冷降温时高温矿井内空气的热、质变化机理及传递规律;探寻脉动风流作用下采空区空气与煤体之间的换热及对采空区遗媒自燃的影响机理及规律。本课题的研究成果将为解决高温矿井制冷降温时矿井风流稳定性问题提供依据,拓宽了矿井通风理论,对矿井热害防治很有现实意义,有较高的研究价值和广泛的应用前景。
中文关键词: 高温矿井;制冷系统;稳定性;热质交换;雾霾
英文摘要: Heat hazard in the high temperature coal mine is one of the major threaten to the safety and efficiency of exploitation. In order to alleviate the heat damage, it is very common to use refrigeration system in the mines. When a refrigeration system is running to cool down the underground environment, the flow stability is affected by the dynamics effects caused by the mass and forced heat transfer between cooling source and air in the mine and it brings a new threat to exploit safely. In order to understand this question, the main context includes: to study the couple mechanism laws between the refrigeration and ventilation system in the mine, and to discover the influence caused by refrigerating system to air temperature and wind pressure, and stability of ventilation system, and to get the rules how air current vary in the working section when cooling system is running, and to reveal local fluctuating accumulation of methane in the upper corner of working face induced by cooling air and so on. The methods include theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, site test and experimental. The project wants to discover change and transportation of thermal and mass when mine cooling technology has been taken, and find impact mechanism of thermal exchange and coal combustion left in condition of fluctuating wind. The r
英文关键词: high temperature mine;referigeartion system;stability;heat and mass transfer;fog