项目名称: 碳约束下基于信息共享和风险偏好的供应链碳减排优化与协调机制
项目编号: No.71502178
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王傅强
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 从信息共享和决策者风险偏好两个角度研究了一个受政府低碳减排政策影响的,由制造商和零售商等组成的供应链系统的最优决策和协调机制问题。针对已有低碳供应链研究的不足,将信息共享和决策者风险偏好纳入考量,构建碳约束下考虑以上两种因素的供应链最优决策模型,系统分析在碳排放约束和信息共享及决策者风险偏好情况下,企业的最优库存、订货、定价和碳减排决策,并进一步探讨供应链的整体效率,构建碳约束下供应链的协调机制,探索成本分担、收益共享等契约在新问题背景下的适应性,以及新的契约形式的设计。通过上述模型,深刻揭示在碳约束下供应链信息共享能否产生价值,在什么情况下产生价值;不同风险偏好的供应链成员在碳约束下如何进行生产运营决策和碳减排决策;在存在信息共享和成员风险偏好的情况下,如何进行供应链协调;碳限额、碳税和碳限额交易在以上情况下对企业生产运作及碳减排的影响等问题,为企业实践和政府政策制定提供理论借鉴和参考。
中文关键词: 低碳供应链;信息共享;风险偏好;供应链协调;碳约束
英文摘要: From the perspective of information sharing and the decision makers’ risk preferences, we study the optimal decision-making and coordination mechanism of a supply chain system which is composed of manufacturers and retailers, etc. and is impacted by the government’s carbon emission reduction policies. Against the shortages of existing literatures on low carbon supply chain, we establish the supply chain’s optimal decision model under the carbon constraints by taking information sharing and the decision makers’ risk preferences into account. The enterprises’ optimal inventory, ordering quantity, pricing and carbon emission reduction decisions are systematically analyzed under these circumstances. We further discuss how to improve the supply chain’s whole efficiency by establishing the supply chain’s coordination mechanism under carbon constraints. The adaptability of the contracts such as cost sharing and revenue sharing etc. are explored in this new circumstance, as well as new contracts forms is designed. Through above models, we hope to answer these questions include: if the information sharing create values to the supply chain under the carbon constraints, and if yes, in what situation? How do the enterprises operate and reduce their carbon emissions when they are characterized with different risk preferences? How to coordinate the supply chain under the carbon constraints when both the information sharing and decision makers’ risk preferences are considered? What are the impacts of carbon cap, carbon tax, and cap and trade system on the enterprises’ operations and carbon reduction decisions? The answers to these questions will provide important theory reference and guidance for both enterprises’ practices and governments’ policy making.
英文关键词: Low carbon supply chain;Information sharing;Risk preference;Supply chain coordination;Carbon constraint