项目名称: 供货不确定信息更新条件下供应链最优策略研究
项目编号: No.71201027
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学与工程
项目作者: 言小明
作者单位: 东莞理工学院
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 金融危机、食品安全、地震、洪涝、雪灾、罢工等事件的频繁发生,使管理者面临了一个迫切需要解决的问题:面对风险发生的频率和强度逐年增加以及经营环境越来越不稳定,企业如何安排好自身订购、生产、销售,以及和上流供应商、下流分销商的协调工作。本项目将围绕以下几个问题展开对供货不确定信息更新条件下供应链系统的研究工作。(1) 面对供货不确定供应商以及供应商供货信息可以修正更新时,确定零售商最优库存管理策略以及供应商最优生产计划。(2) 供应商供货不确定信息更新情形下,研究供应链的协调问题和供货不确定信息修正更新对供应链各成员最优策略和所获利润的影响。(3)面对供货不确定风险,零售商该如何监控供应商的供货信息以及供应商该如何管理自身信息。本项目争取为丰富供货不确定下供应链库存管理和供应链协调的基础和应用研究做出努力,以及给实际企业的库存管理策略和供应链协调策略提供一些借鉴与参考。
中文关键词: 供应链管理;产出不确定;信息更新;可靠性;最优策略
英文摘要: Because of the frequent occurrence of financial crisis, food security, earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, strikes and so on, managers face an urgent need to address the problem: Facing that the frequency of occurrence and intensity of risk are increasing year by year, and the environment has become increasingly unstable, firms determine how to arrange their own ordering, production, marketing, and coordinate the relationship with suppliers and distributors. This project will focus on the following issues on supply uncertainty information updating under the condition of supply chain system. (1) When suppliers' supply uncertainty information can be updated, retailers determine the optimal inventory management policy and suppliers determine the optimal production planning. (2) Under the condition of supply uncertainty information updating, we study supply chain coordination and analyze the effect of supply uncertainty information updating on the members of the supply chain. (3) Facing the risk of supply uncertainty, retailers determine how to monitor suppliers' supply information, and suppliers decide how to manage their own information. The project seeks to enrich the academic and applied research of supply chain management under supply uncertainty, as well as to provide reference for the actual enterprise's invento
英文关键词: Supply chain management;Random yield;Information updates;Reliability;Optimal policy