项目名称: 基于硅酸盐水玻璃无机大分子交联密度的提高和性能研究
项目编号: No.21071138
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 桂宙
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 15万元
中文摘要: 在本研究计划的指导下,控制合成了丙烯酸的齐聚物,能有效提高硅酸盐水玻璃抗老化性能,有效改善固化剂粒子在水玻璃溶液中的界面状态,提高固体粒子的分散性。通过筛选,合成新型固化剂,实现不仅能对硅酸具有缩合作用,而且水解产物参与硅酸盐无机大分子的聚合,并大幅提高大分子网络的交联密度。因此获得了更加致密的无机大分子网络结构,有效固定水玻璃中可溶性的碱金属离子,使水玻璃涂膜的强度得以大幅提升。研究结果证明了本研究项目从设计思路到研究方法的正确性,为今后硅酸盐溶液无机树脂的应用奠定了基础。
中文关键词: 硅酸盐;交联度;网络结构;应用
英文摘要: With the direction of the reseach plan,the acrylic acid oligomer has been synthesized under control, it can improve the antiaging property of the silicate solution, and improve the dispersion of the hardener colloidal particles in the solution. Under the scientific filter method, the noval hardener has been synthesized. It not only has the catalysis for the condensation reaction of the silicate, but also it's hydrolysis products can participate the polymerization of the inorganic silicate macromolecules. The addition of the hardener can enhance the crosslink density of the silicate network. The alkali ions in the silicate which are easy to be dissoved can be fixed in this crosslink network, and can not move in water. The research results prove the reasonable design and synthetic method of this research project, and provide the possibility of the application for silicate solution as the inorganic resin in the future.
英文关键词: silicate;crosslink density;network structure;application