项目名称: 淹没环境下超临界二氧化碳喷砂射孔流体动力学特征及成孔特性研究
项目编号: No.51504166
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 王晓川
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 超临界二氧化碳喷砂射孔、压裂强化页岩气开采技术具有节水、高效、环保等优势。目前国内对该技术的研究仍处于起步阶段,尚有大量基础理论问题亟待解决。本课题针对水力喷砂射孔深度室内预测与工程实际差别较大、理论研究不足的特点,考虑超临界二氧化碳与传统钻井液的物性差异及孔眼影响,拟采用理论分析、数值模拟和实验研究相结合的方法,量化分析射孔过程中的主要影响因素,研究淹没条件下超临界二氧化碳喷砂射孔孔内流场特征、磨料的分布和运移规律、分析超临界二氧化碳磨料射流的动力学特征及冲蚀破岩成孔特性,揭示超临界二氧化碳磨料射流与冲击靶物相互作用机理以及各影响因素之间的交互作用规律,建立淹没条件下超临界二氧化碳喷砂射孔深度预测模型,并设计可视化实验,结合计算机模拟结果进行对比验证,进一步修正完善理论模型。研究成果为高效射孔破岩、压裂提供技术支撑,对推进超临界二氧化碳强化页岩气开采有重要意义。
中文关键词: 页岩气;超临界二氧化碳;射孔;磨料射流;流体动力学
英文摘要: Using supercritical carbon dioxide jet perforation to fracture shale and enhance the development of shale gas has lots of advantages like water saving, high recovery efficiency and environmental protection. However, this technology is now in its infancy with many basis theoretical problems waiting to be solved. As there exist great differences between lab experiments and field trials on the depth of hole made by hydraulic jet perforation and inadequate theoretical studies, the differences of physical characteristics between supercritical carbon dioxide and traditional working fluid for well drilling were taken into consideration. By method of combining theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental, quantitative analysis of the main factors during the process of jet perforation will be carried out. Meanwhile, the flow field in the hole made by supercritical carbon dioxide jet perforation and abrasive motion and distribution characteristics will be studied, as well as the dynamic and erosion characters. To reveal the interaction mechanism of supercritical carbon dioxide abrasive jets and eroded target and interaction laws of the various operating parameters, models for predicting the depth caused by supercritical carbon dioxide jet perforation will be established and visualization experiment and numerical simulation will be used as validations for improvement. The present research will provide technical basis for effective fracturing and rock breakup and also be meaningful for shale gas development using supercritical carbon dioxide.
英文关键词: shale gas;Supercritical carbon-dioxide;perforation;abrasive jet;dynamics