项目名称: 融合磁学技术的纳米隧道结电致发光研究
项目编号: No.11204081
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 张晓磊
作者单位: 华东师范大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 本项目将利用配备低温磁场的高分辨扫描隧道显微镜,结合高效率的光学收集和检测系统,实现宏观磁场、磁性探针以及局域化的磁结构影响下的可控的纳米隧道结电致发光,展示隧道结中纳米磁结构或有机光电分子在纳米环境中的光、电、磁行为,了解隧道结中电子的注入和激发、载流子输运、能量转移、界面性质、局域自旋变化以及磁场参与下的电子、光子、声子的转化和耦合,探寻电场、磁场对发光材料光学性能影响的机制,寻找纳米环境中电-光、磁-光转化效率提高的方法,结合包含光子强度和光谱信息的光子图,提高STM的化学分辨能力。并通过与理论组合作,对隧道结中的电学性质、电光转化、磁场效应等进行模拟和计算,研究纳米尺度上电、磁作用下的发光本质。 本项目将为纳米磁光电器件、量子信息技术以及能源科学提供崭新而直接的基础信息和优化指南。
中文关键词: 扫描隧道显微镜;磁学技术;光学收集和检测;隧道结电致发光;超快自旋动力学
英文摘要: This project will study the controlled electroluminescence of the tunnel junction in the low-temperature magnetic field or the localized magnetic structure with high-resolution scanning tunneling microscope (STM) combined with high-efficiency optical collection and detection system. It will discover the optical, electrical and magnetic behavior of the nano-magnetic structures or organic photovoltaic molecules in the nano-environment. Besides the transport property from tunneling currents, the photon signals excited by inelastic tunneling process also reveals further information of the injection and excitation of the electrons, the carrier transport, energy transfer, the interfacial properties, the spin-dependent local properties and the conversion, and the coupling of electron, photon and phonon in the magnetic field. This project will provide additional information on how to improve the electron-photon and magnet-photon conversion efficiency. And "colored photon mapping" will be developed to improve the chemical resolution ability of STM. Also, we will study the physical mechanism of scanning tunneling microscope-induced luminescence in a magnetic field with the help of the theory group. This project will provide new basic information and optimization guide for the development of the nanodevices, quantum inform
英文关键词: scanning tunneling microscope;magnetic technology;optical collection and detection;electroluminescence of the tunnel junction;ultrafast spin dynamics