项目名称: 基于并联机构六维谐振的压电式六维振动能量收集方法与关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61301030
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 袁刚
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 振动能量收集是无线传感器网络和微机电系统等领域研究热点。现有的振动能量收集器只能实现沿单个敏感轴向、较窄频带内的振动能量收集,其安装要求高、能量收集效率低。本项目提出并研究一种能够实现宽频带六维振动能量收集的方法及关键技术。具体研究内容概括为三个方面:提出并研究一种能够在环境多维振动激励下产生具有各向同性振动的基于并联机构的六自由度谐振器原理及其设计方法,探索通过参数优化使谐振器具有六阶相邻固有频率,以实现扩展谐振带宽的可能性;研究适合集成到基于并联机构的六自由度谐振器上的单轴压电式振动能量收集器及其频带拓宽方法;提出通过将六个单轴压电式振动能量收集器集成到六自由度谐振器的六条支腿上构成压电式六维振动能量收集器的方法,建立六通道的压电式振动能量收集电路,在此基础上实现压电式六维振动能量收集。通过本项目研究为振动能量收集技术向多维化发展奠定理论基础,推动能量收集技术研究进入新阶段。
中文关键词: 压电效应;振动能量收集;多维谐振;并联机构;六自由度
英文摘要: Vibration energy harvesting is a hot research area in the field of wireless sensor networks and micro-electro-mechanical systems, etc. The existing vibration energy harvesters can only harvest the vibration energy with single sensitive axial and narrow band, which lead to the problems of low efficiency and high level requirements for installation. In this project, a broadband six-degree-of-freedom (six-DOF) vibration energy harvesting method and the corresponding key technologies are proposed and explored. The research can be summarized in three aspects: Propose and explore the principle and design method a parallel mechanism based six-DOF, which can generate isotropic resonance in a multi-dimensional vibration environment, and investigate the possibility of extending the resonance frequency band through utilizing six legs mechanism with adjacent natural frequencies; Propose and explore single-axis piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters which are appropriate for the parallel mechanism based six-degree-of-freedom resonator, and investigate the approach to extend their band; Propose the method to establish a piezoelectric six-dimensional vibration energy harvester by integrating six single-axis piezoelectric vibration energy harvester into the six legs of a six-DOF resonator, respectively, and develop a multi-c
英文关键词: Piezoelectric effect;vibration energy harvesting;multi-dimension resonance;parallel mechanism;six-degree-of-freedom