项目名称: 广域飞行流量优化调控理论与方法研究
项目编号: No.61201314
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 杜文博
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着我国航空运输业的持续快速发展,已有的空中交通系统逐步暴露出飞行流量饱和、拥堵日益严重等问题,大规模航班延误现象时有发生,不仅造成巨大的经济损失,而且严重影响飞行安全。现有飞行流量管理方法多采用局部性调控,缺乏对空中交通运行规律的整体认识,难以满足民航安全、有序、高效运行的要求;同时,由于广域飞行流量调控问题具有规模大、维度高、不可分、多目标等特点,传统优化方法往往难以获得满意的调控方案。本项目以领域知识挖掘结合高效优化方法为思路,提出广域飞行流量优化的一体化调控方案:挖掘我国空中交通运行的时空演化规律,建立空中交通运行的流量均衡路由模型,提出飞行流量均衡路由策略;提出基于博弈评估的自适应协同进化算法,设计基于均衡路由策略的局部寻优算子,提高广域飞行流量调控效率。本项目的研究可为广域飞行流量管理提供有效的理论方法与工具,并为交通管理中的优化方法研究、复杂系统运行规律的揭示提供了新的思路。
中文关键词: 空中交通流量管理;领域知识挖掘;复杂网络;优化;
英文摘要: With the swift development of our civil aviation, the mismatching between limited airspace capacity and increasing air traffic flow becomes apparent and the air traffic congestion is more and more serious. This will not only lead to huge economic losses, but also pose a threat to the air traffic safety. However, due to such reasons as the great span of space and time and tightly coupled correlation, existing regional methods of air traffic flow management cannot efficiently alleviate the congestion. Combining domain knowledge and optimization algorithm, this project sheds light on the wide-area air traffic flow management problem by presenting an integration scheme.First, we analyze the history operation data of Chinese civil aviation based on the complex network theory to mine the temporal-spatial evolution rules of the air traffic system; then we build up a flow-equilibrium routing model for air traffic networks and propose an efficient routing strategy for the air traffic flow to get a high-quality flow configuration; finally, a self-adaption coevolutionary algorithm and an equilibrium operator are proposed to improve quality and efficiency of optimization.The study of this program can not only make contributions to the achievements in the field of wide-area air traffic management, promote the research adva
英文关键词: air traffic flow management;domain knowledge;complex networks;optimization;