项目名称: 多渠道环境下消费者购买旅程及渠道间协同与浸蚀效应研究
项目编号: No.71302126
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 张莎
作者单位: 中国科学院大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 当前消费者在其购买旅程中常常同时涉入线上线下多种渠道,种种迹象表明中国实业界已探知到此变化,越来越多的传统零售(电)商积极拓展线上(下)渠道。然而,现有对消费者购买旅程的研究仍停留在线下渠道店内层面,实施多渠道策略的企业对如何整合线上线下营销组合影响消费者购买旅程,实现渠道间协同仍不清晰。 本项目一方面,借鉴心理学中信息整合机制理论,在个体层面通过系列实验洞察渠道间协同、浸蚀效应在消费者购买旅程中的发生机制,在此基础上探究消费者感知及品牌因素对该机制的影响;另一方面,在企业层面基于网络数据挖掘,运用多层交互模型计算线上线下营销刺激产生的渠道间协同及浸蚀效应的大小及显著性。本项目的理论贡献在于解构消费者在购买旅程中如何涉入线上线下渠道,并进一步探究其在企业层面产生的协同、浸蚀效应。实践上,为重新认知消费者购买旅程,为企业整合线上线下营销组合,更好地实现渠道协同提供策略借鉴。
中文关键词: 多渠道;O2O;全渠道;协同效应;浸蚀效应
英文摘要: Today's customers tend to involve in both online and offline channels within a single purchase journey. Various companies have already been aware of such a change as can be detected by an increasing number of traditional retailers (e-retailers) being actively expanding online (offline) channels. However, existent research on consumers' journey to purchase focuses on in-store purchase behavior, therefore it is unclear for multichannel companies in terms of how to integrate online and offline marketing mix to influence consumers' journey to purchase, and realize cross-channel synergy. This project, on the one hand, using information integration theory borrowing from psychology, conducts a series of experiments to examine how and when cross-channel synergy and cannibalization occur in consumers' journey to purchase. Moreover, we investigate the impact of factors related to consumer perceptions and brands on the above mechanism. On the other hand, from a company's perspective, we, based on data mining methods, build a Hierarchical Interactive Model to measure the significance and magnitude of cross-channel synergy and cannibalization. The theoretical contribution of this project is that it reveals how do consumers engage in online and offline channels during their journey to purchase, and it further studies its im
英文关键词: multi-channel;Online-to-offline;Omni-channel;Cannibalization;synergy