项目名称: 无砟轨道几何状态静态评价方法与平顺性控制技术研究
项目编号: No.51468042
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 朱洪涛
作者单位: 南昌大学
项目金额: 48万元
中文摘要: 目前无砟轨道的内部几何尺寸的表达与控制主要是通过外部几何尺寸测量来实现,其成本与效率难以平衡。弦测法作为轨道平顺性测量主要方法之一,受限于其幅频特性,理论价值未得到应有的重视。本研究从其以小推大算法出发,就弦测法的长波特性、偏矢测量等问题进行理论研究,为无砟轨道正线及道岔的平顺性有效监测与评价提供解决方案。另,鉴于高铁无砟轨道的特殊结构与高平顺性要求,既有的基于外部几何尺寸的养修技术存在着适用性问题。为此,本研究在全面分析绳正法、坐标法技术特性的基础上,认为开发一种基于轨道平顺性的整正技术,是解决目前效率与精度矛盾的理性选择。该技术的主要特征包括:以恢复高铁无砟轨道的平顺性为目标,通过对轨道平顺性数据建立向量模型,构造迭代解法,获得在惯性坐标系下的整正量的数值解。前期现场试用证明,该方法整体优化轨道平顺性,且无需外部标志物的信息,或能为无砟轨道的平顺性控制提供一套创新的理论与方法。
中文关键词: 无砟轨道;轨道不平顺;静态评价;内部几何状态;轨道维修
英文摘要: In present, the survey and control of inner geometries to ballastless track is realized by means of outer geometries survey. That usually leads to the imbalance between cost and efficiency for the maintenance. As a survey method for track irregularities, the theoretical value of mid-chord offset method(MCO) has received less attention for its magnitude frequency characteristics. This study deduces the extended algorithm of MCO, and discusses the characteristics of long wave irregularities and the measurement of asymmetrical chord offset. All the work will provide the track maintenance divisions with a comprehensive solution for the smoothness monitoring of main tracks and switchs. Furthermore, the conventional maintenance technologies based on outer track geometry exists some problems of serviceability for HSR ballastless track in consideration for its special construction and high smoothness requirement. In this paper, taking track plane control as an example, an adjustment algorithm has been proposed which is based on middle wave irregularities of HSR ballastless track. Its features involve that: Aiming at the recovery of high smoothness, a vector model is established based on relative survey data. Then an iteration method has been constructed for the numerical solution to adjusted value in inertial coordinate system. By the scale trial, it is proved that the algorithm is able to globally optimize the track smoothness dispensing with outer surveying marks, and it is efficient in survey and solution. In summary,the reserch could provide a set of theories and methods for the maintenance of HSR ballastless track.
英文关键词: HSR Ballastless Track;Track Irregularity;Static Evaluation;Track Inner Geometric Conditions;Track Maintenance