项目名称: 不凝气体循环活气法蒸馏松脂的热力学特性及传递机理
项目编号: No.21466002
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 周龙昌
作者单位: 广西大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 采用压力釜-精密压力变送器-可编程序控制器(PLC)-计算机在线数据采集实验装置,分别测定不凝气体CO2、N2、H2、He及其二、三、四元组分混合气在松脂中的溶解度与体积传质系数;采用具有液相对流和汽相冷凝双循环汽液平衡釜,测定松脂体系汽液平衡数据,探讨不凝气体循环活气法蒸馏松脂对不同组分的解吸机理;采用活塞螺杆-液压传动-玻璃毛细管实验装置测定不凝气体混合气压力(P)-体积(V)-温度(T)的数据,建立不凝气体节流膨胀的热力学模型;采用气体分布器-激光监视-计算机跟踪采集数据技术,在线测定松脂蒸馏器内的气泡分布及其单位时间传热量与挥发性组分蒸出量的关系,建立不凝气体循环活气法蒸馏松脂的给热系数模型和气液传质系数模型;在线采样分析蒸出产物组成与时间的关系,建立不凝气体循环活气法蒸馏松脂过程动力学模型,探讨其传递机理,为不凝气体循环活气法蒸馏松脂的工业化实施夯实理论基础和提供工程设计数据。
中文关键词: 松脂;蒸馏;不凝气体;热力学;传递
英文摘要: Gas solubility and volumetric mass transfer coefficient of non condensable gas such as CO2, N2, H2, He, or their binary, ternary, and quaternary mixture in pine gum and will be measured in a equipment containing pressure autoclave, precision pressure transducer, programmable logic controller(PLC) with computeraided data collection online. The vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the pine gum system will be determined in a still with vapor-liquid atternative circulation. Thus, the desorption mechanism of different components from pine gum during the distillation process by circulating gas method with non condensable gas can be discussed. The pressure(P)-volume(V)-temperature(T)of non condensable gas mixture will be measured using a system composed of piston screw, hydraulic transmission and glass capillary to establish the thermodynamic properties model for rxpanding of the non condensable gas. The bubble distribution and relation between heat transfer quantity in a unit of time and the amount of distillate volatile components will be determined online as well with the technology of gas distributor combined with a laser monitoring observation and computer data online acquisition system. Since, the coefficient model of heat transfer and gas-liquid mass transfer for the distillation of pine gum by circulating gas method with non condensable gas will be obtained. Being analyzed the the distillate composition changing with the time, kinetic model for the distillation can be proposed. And the transfer mechanism will also be investigate, which can provide basic data of engineering design and solid theoretical foundation for the distillation of pine gum by circulating gas method with non condensable gas.
英文关键词: Oleoresin;Distllation;Non Condensable Gas;Thermodynamic;Transfer