项目名称: 癌症体细胞拷贝数变异功能模式的鉴定方法与应用研究
项目编号: No.61201312
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 袁细国
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 鉴定和发现癌症样本中非随机的体细胞拷贝数变异(SCNA),是查找癌症基因的重要手段,其核心问题是如何利用拷贝数的结构性变异发现甚至可能是弱显著的SCNA功能模式。现有方法大多基于单个SCNA位点和静态零分布的统计检验模型,对弱显著的SCNA的检测能力非常有限。本项目从高通量数据出发,研究全基因组SCNA功能模式的鉴定理论与方法。在深入考察拷贝数结构特性的基础上,建立基于SCNA结构单元的统计量以检验结构变异模式,通过SCNA结构单元的置换策略和循环剔除真阳性的过程建立动态零分布,解决多重检验中显著性水平估计保守的问题,以发现表面上弱显著的SCNA功能模式。应用于卵巢癌子类全基因组数据,鉴定与子类相关的SCNA功能模式并发现新的潜在癌症基因。该项目立项,对结构变异模式发现理论及SCNA功能模式鉴定技术,进而对SCNA与癌症关系的认识及其在癌症预测和诊断中的应用,都有重要的理论和实际意义。
中文关键词: 体细胞拷贝数变异;功能模式;显著性检验;卵巢癌;
英文摘要: Identifying non-random somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) in a set of cancer samples has been proved to be a valuable tool to locate cancer driver genes, the central challenge in this effort is to identify less-extreme functional SCNAs based on copy number structures. The existing computational methods usually test SCNAs in individual markers, and assess the statistical significance based on static null distributions, which might not be powerful for detecting less-extreme SCNAs. In this project, we study a genome-wide method for identifying functional SCNAs in high-resolution data. Based on an in-depth exploration of copy number structures, we create SCNA structural units to design a novel statistic for testing SCNAs, and establish a dynamic null distribution by performing permutations on the units and iteratively eliminating true positives. This scheme will reduce the conservativeness in multiple hypothesis testing, and improve the power for detecting less-extreme SCNAs. We apply the method into ovarian cancer subtypes with the purpose of identifying subtype-specific functional SCNAs and finding new potential cancer driver genes. This project-establishment will bring important theoretical and practical significance, in terms of structural mutation patterns detection, genome-wide functional SCNAs identifica
英文关键词: Somatic copy number alteration;Functional patterns;Significance test;Ovarian cancer;