项目名称: 连续吸引子的学习算法研究
项目编号: No.61303015
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 张海仙
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 连续吸引子已被广泛应用于各种脑部功能的研究,如局部脑皮层信息处理,眼球跳变性运动,头部方向定位,工作记忆等。科学家们已经认识到,连续吸引子可以用来解释生物体的许多智能行为。目前,基于连续吸引子的机器智能方法研究尚处于起步阶段,非常有必要建立完整的基础理论。申请者在前期研究中发现对称网络具有线性连续吸引子的动力学性质。但是,利用连续吸引子表达和存储大量相似模式的学习机制尚未明确。本项目旨在研究连续吸引子的学习算法,其目标是发展出构建连续吸引子的具体学习算法。学习算法在机器智能研究中有着十分重要的地位。然而,连续吸引子的学习算法目前仅有极少的成果。本项目的主要研究内容包括:(1)线性连续吸引子的学习算法;(2)非线性连续吸引子的学习算法;(3)多个连续吸引子并存于同一网络的学习算法。连续吸引子学习算法的建立,必将有助于进一步奠定连续吸引子的理论基础,为相似模式的识别提供理论与实验依据。
中文关键词: 学习算法;连续吸引子;稀疏表达;;
英文摘要: Continuous attractors have been widely used in the study of many diverse brain functions, such as local cortical information processing, saccadic motor programming, head orientation, working memory and etc. Scientists have realized that continuous attractors can be used to explain the intelligent behavior of organisms. At present, the research of continuous attractors based machine intelligence is just beginning, it is urgently necessary to establish a fundamental theory in mathematics. In preliminary studies, we have known that symmetrical networks can exhibit a dynamical behavior of linear continuous attractors. However, how can we represent and store mass similar patterns as continuous attractors,the learing mechnism of continuous attractors is not yet clear. This project aims to study learning algorithms of continuous attractors, which are helpful to construct the methods of learning algorithm of continuous attractors in detail. It is well known that the learning algorithm is very important in the area of machine intelligence. However, currently, there are very few studies on the learning algorithms of continuous attractors. In this project, the main research contents include: (1) learning algorithms of linear continuous attractors; (2) learning algorithms of nonlinear continuous attractors; (3) learning alg
英文关键词: continuous attractors;learning algorithms;sparse representation;;