项目名称: 中西部历史名城历史街区空间保护与再造的交通运输规划设计理论与方法研究
项目编号: No.51278396
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 王秋平
作者单位: 西安建筑科技大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 中西部历史名城众多,城内的历史街区除承担交通功能外,还承担着旅游、商业等功能。由于人口聚集,街道狭窄,设施陈旧,空间有限,严重影响了街区功能的发挥。历史街区规划和改造的难度大,成为制约城市经济和交通发展的瓶颈。一些历史名城,在尊重历史原貌的基础上再造历史街区,其道路空间设计与交通运输组织管理是历史文化保护规划的重要内容。通过研究以历史街区为背景的慢行交通规划,以历史街区交通流为通行条件的交叉口协调控制,历史街区空间布局规划或改造、运输管线协调优化布局等,将为历史街区交通运输能力提高与历史风貌保护提供思路和参考。以旧城区历史街区和新规划保护区再造的历史街区为分析研究对象,研究街区交通运输布局及交通运输组织与管理理论、方法和对策,解决历史名城交通网络中通行能力的瓶颈,使交通更好地促进和提升历史街区的品位和价值。研究成果为我国中西部历史名城历史街区保护与再造以及城市交通规划提供重要的借鉴与指导。
中文关键词: 中西部历史名城;历史街区;交通运输;规划设计;
英文摘要: In the numerous historic cities of Midwest China, there are intense traffic, commerce and tourism activities in the historic districts so that the function of the historic districts can not well express due to the population gathering, narrow streets, outdated facilities, and lack of space. As it is difficult to plan and reconstruct the historic districts, the economy and transportation development in the historic cities are seriously disturbed. Since some historic cities try to represent part of their landscapes in ancient times and reconstruct the corresponding historic districts, the urban road design and transportation organization & management have to be involved in the planning and protection of historical cultural in these cities. Some beneficial countermeasures about the combination of the improvement of transportation capacity and historic landscape protection can be raised through the studies not only on the slow traffic planning and the coordination control of intersections but also on the layouts of the reconstructing blocks and its utilities in the historic districts. The transportation layout, organization and management theory and methods about both the districts with resisting historic landscapes and reconstruction new planning areas with recovering landscapes will be deeply analyzed so as to sol
英文关键词: Historic Cities of Midwest China;historic districts;transportation;planning and design;