A critical and re-configured HRI might look to the arts, where another history of robots has been unfolding since the Czech artist Karel Capek's critical robotic labor parable of 1921, in which the word robot was coined in its modern usage. This paper explores several vectors by which artist-created robots, both physical and imaginary, have offered pronounced contrasts to robots-as-usual, and offers directions as to how these more emancipated cousins might be useful to the field of HRI.
翻译:关键和重新配置的HRI或许会看艺术,因为自1921年捷克艺术家卡雷尔·卡普克(Karel Capek)的关键机器人劳动比喻以来,又出现了另一个机器人历史,其中机器人一词在现代使用中被创造了。 本文探讨了艺术家创造的机器人,无论是物理的还是想象的,通过几种矢量与机器人的常态形成鲜明对比,并提出了如何让这些更加解放的堂兄弟对人权领域有用的方向。