项目名称: 外部激励对网络口碑传播行为和说服力的影响:基于大数据分析和行为实验的实证研究
项目编号: No.71472009
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 邱凌云
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 随着消费者在购买决策时越来越依赖网络口碑信息,电商网站开始用经济奖励、名誉奖励等多种外部激励手段以增加消费者动机撰写产品评价的动机;与此同时,它们也迫切希望了解这些成本不菲的奖励措施是否能带来真正的商业价值。然而,现有针对网络口碑传播动机的研究不仅相对较少,而且往往忽略了口碑传播动机的动态形成过程以及在此过程中外部激励所起的作用。基于社会心理学中的动机理论,本项目将深入全面地研究外部激励对于口碑传播动机和传播行为的动态影响过程。此外,我们还将从归因理论的视角研究外部激励对消费者口碑信息感知以及口碑说服力的作用机制。本项目借助与电商企业的深度合作,将创新性地融合采用基于互联网的大数据分析法、实验室实验法和实地观察实验法等多种研究方法。我们的研究成果不仅可以推动网络口碑研究的进一步发展,还有助于电商企业根据自身的特点设计网络口碑传播的激励和约束机制,从而制订更为有效的口碑营销策略。
中文关键词: 电子商务;网络口碑;外部激励;动机理论;归因理论
英文摘要: As consumers rely more and more heavily on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) information for their purchase decisions, B2C websites are increasingly providing various extrinsic incentives, such as economic rewards and reputation rewards, so as to strengthen consumers' motivations of posting online product reviews. Meanwhile, the companies are eager to know whether or not these costly incentives could produce real business values. However, amongst the academic research works on eWOM communication motivations, most of them consider Ewom communication motivation as a static construct while ignoring the dynamic process of its formation as well as the roles played by extrinsic incentives throughout the process. Anchored on the motivation theory, this research project plans to systematically investigate the dynamic impacts of extrinsic incentives on eWOM communication motivations. We will also examine the impacts of extrinsic incentives on eWOM persuasiveness as a non-information cue through an attribution perspective. Thanks to our long-term collaborative relationship with leading B2C e-commerce companies, this project will conjointly employ multiple research methods, including the innovative internet-based big data analytics, lab experiments, and field experiments. Our research findings would not only further extend our understandings of consumers' eWOM communication and information processing behaviors, but be of great value for B2C e-commerce companies to optimize their eWOM marketing strategies by identifying and implementing an optimal scheme of eWOM incentives and constraints.
英文关键词: electronic commerce;electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM);extrinsic incentive;motivation theory;attribution theory