项目名称: 烧结扩散与电弧反应合成WCp增强铁基涂层的组织均匀性及其性能
项目编号: No.51271158
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 肖逸锋
作者单位: 湘潭大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 传统耐磨材料难以满足现代工业的综合性能使用要求,WCp增强铁基复合涂层材料是解决该问题的有效途径。但外加WC 存在分解、污染和成本高等问题,采用富W原料粉末反应合成制备技术成为新的选择。本项目以原位合成的WC颗粒为研究对象,对涂层组织及其均匀性、力学性能的影响因素及其规律进行基础科学研究,提出主要以廉价的钨铁(或钨粉)+石墨为主要原料,经真空烧结扩散后制成无渣药芯焊丝,采用电弧反应合成WCp增强铁基复合涂层材料,研究增强相生成热力学与动力学条件、界面特征与反应机制、界面稳定性及其影响因素、涂层材料的抗裂性、硬度及耐磨性的影响因素及磨损机制,揭示原料特征、合金配比、工艺参数与涂层组织和性能之间的规律,探索提高涂层组织和性能的新方法。该项目能有效解决焊接材料长期存在的组织不均匀的难题,为推动难熔金属碳化物颗粒增强铁基复合材料的广泛应用提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 耐磨材料;原位合成;WC;电弧反应;烧结扩散
英文摘要: The traditional wear-resistant materials are difficult to meet modern industry performance requirements while the WCp reinforced iron matrix composite coating material is an effective way to solve this problem. As the existence of decomposition, pollution and high-cost when adding WC directly, it is a new choice to adopt the way of powder reactive synthesis by tungsten-riched raw materials. With the object of the situ synthesized WC particles, the project is to do basic scientific research on the factors and law of coating uniformity and mechanical properties, proposing to put the low-cost ferrotungsten or tungsten powders and graphite as the main raw material and to make non-slag flux cored wire after vacuum sintering diffusion, than, WC particle reinforced iron matrix composite coating materials was fabricated by electric arc reaction synthesis with it,based on the basic principles of powder metallurgy and welding metallurgy. This proposal mainly to study the formation thermodynamics and kinetics conditions of the enhanced phase, characteristics of interface and reaction mechanism, the interface stability and the influencing factors of which, the crack resistance of the coating material, affecting factors of hardness and wear resistance, wear mechanisms, to reveal the law between the characteristics of raw ma
英文关键词: Wear-resistant materials;In-situ synthesized;WC;Electric arc reaction;Sintering diffusion