项目名称: 基于复数坐标变换法的无阴影隐身装置的优化设计及原理分析
项目编号: No.11204225
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 李维
作者单位: 武汉理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 隐身装置中的阴影(或损耗)问题,即隐身装置设计结果中所要求的材料的无损耗和现实中材料不可避免的损耗之间的矛盾,会导致阴影从而使隐身失效,但是目前尚未有可用的解决办法见诸报道。 本课题旨在从理论上为隐身装置的损耗问题提供可实用化的解决办法,从改进研究隐身衣的设计方法出发,在现有材料技术的基础上设计出可实现的增益补偿型无阴影隐身装置,并研究其中的物理机制。首先通过将复数坐标引入传统坐标变换过程,并优化得出一种新的复数坐标变换方法,该方法既能考虑到材料参数的损耗及其均衡补偿方案,又能确保涉及的材料在现有技术条件下可获得性。在此基础上,研究材料的增益和损耗相互作用机制,探讨设计中部分材料损耗或者增益变化时的应对方法,为实现无阴影的隐身装置打好理论基础,为其实现提供依据。通过本项目的实施,可望突破材料损耗对隐身性能的限制,推动隐身装置从理论研究进一步走向实验研制。
中文关键词: 无阴影隐身装置;变换电磁学;超材料;复数坐标;增益补偿
英文摘要: The shadow problem (or loss problem), i.e., the contradiction between the requirement of lossless materials by the cloak designs and the unavoidable loss in practical materials, has been a critical issue in the realization process of various invisibility cloak designs because this will cause visible shadow to make the cloaking fail. In spite of that, few works have discussed the solutions of the loss problem in cloaks, and none is available in practice. This project aims to provide a practically available solution to the loss problem in cloaks by properly optimizing the theoretical design scheme. The design should only involve accessible materials in reality, and the physical implications of such a design will also be studied. By introducing the complex coordinates into the traditional coordinate transformation method, a complex coordinate transformation method will be established, and it is able to provide the loss problem a theoretical solution, in which the involved materials are obtainable by nowadays metamaterial fabrication technologies. Based on the design results, the mechanism of the interaction between the loss and gain parts of the materials will be studied, and how the gain should be adjusted when the loss changes with respect to the design results will also be explored. All of the above researches
英文关键词: shadowless cloaking devices;transformation electromagnetics;metamaterials;complex coordinate;gain compensation