项目名称: 马尾松孢子叶球性反转发生机理研究
项目编号: No.31460201
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 赵杨
作者单位: 贵州大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 马尾松是我国南方最主要的优质针叶用材树种,多球果性状具有很高的稳定性,在提高种子产量上有很大的潜在应用价值,该性状是大、小孢子叶球性反转的结果。本研究拟利用形态与解剖观察,研究性反转发生的时间,通过测定大、小孢子叶球性反转前后内源物质的动态变化,研究马尾松大、小孢子叶球性反转的生理基础,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)和cDNA 芯片研究性反转过程中相关基因差异表达,探讨马尾松孢子叶球性反转发生的机理,为种子园生殖调控提供理论基础和策略,促进马尾松多球果这一优良性状早日应用于生产。
中文关键词: 马尾松;孢子叶球;抑制消减杂交;cDNA;芯片;性反转机理
英文摘要: Pinus massoniana is a high-quality coniferous species in the south of China. The poly-cones character with high hereditary stability has a high potential application value on improving seed production. That is the result of sex reversal between the microstrobilus and megastrobilus. The project intends to use morphological and anatomical observation to research the time of the sex reversal, then determine the dynamic changes of endogenous substances before and after the sex reversal to discuss the physiological basis of sex reversal, and applies to the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) and cDNA Microarray to study the associated gene differential expression on the process of the sex reversal and to discuss the sex reversal mechanisms, which can provide the basis and strategies to regulate the reproductive growth of Pinus massonia in seed orchard and promote the excellent character of poly-cones application in production as soon as possible.
英文关键词: pinus massoniana;strobilus;SSH;cDNA microarray;sex reversal mechanism