项目名称: 生物炭对土壤中典型抗生素吸附/解吸行为和生物可利用性的影响机制
项目编号: No.41203083
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地球化学
项目作者: 廉菲
作者单位: 农业部环境保护科研监测所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 抗生素是一类使用广泛的治疗细菌性感染疾病的化学品,在环境介质中被广泛检出,已成为普遍存在的污染物。生物炭作为土壤添加剂近年来在土壤改良、温室气体减排以及受污染环境修复等方面表现出很大的应用潜力。然而,在生物炭改土固碳的同时,其对抗生素等离子型有机化合物在土壤中的环境行为以及生物可利用性的影响尚未搞清楚。本项目根据目前生物炭的施用情况以及我国土壤环境特点,选择不同类型的生物炭(如稻秆类、棉秆类、中药渣类等)和添加生物炭的土壤为研究对象,以典型抗生素为目标污染物,采用微观实验手段(包括XPS、FTIR、NMR、TEM等)与宏观吸附/解吸实验以及生物累积和排出实验相结合的方法,探讨生物炭的组成结构特性、碳化程度、老化效应、土壤环境条件等因素对生物炭吸附/解吸抗生素的影响机制,揭示生物炭对抗生素生物可利用性的调控作用,为科学评估土壤环境中抗生素的环境风险、生物炭产品的研发及合理利用提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 生物炭;抗生素;吸附;老化;生物可利用性
英文摘要: Antibiotics are widely used for prevention and treatment of bacterially transmitted diseases. They are ubiquitous in the environment and recognized as environmental pollutants. In recent years, soil amendment with biochar has found extensive application in soil to improve soil quality, reduce greenhouse gas emission and remediate polluted environment. However, the impacts of biochar on the environmental behavior and bioavailability of ionizable organic compounds including antibiotics in soil are not well understood. The objective of this project is going to investigate the sorption/desorption and bioavailability of typical antibiotics in a variety of biochars (such as wheat stalk-, cotton stalk- and herb-residue derived biochars) and biochar-amended soil. Microscopic analytical technologies (including XPS, FTIR, NMR and TEM) and sorption/desorption experiments are applied to investigate the impacts of different factors such as composition, structure and carbonation of biochar, aging effect and soil environmental conditions on the sorption/desorption mechanisms of antibiotics to biochar. Besides, bioaccumulation/elimination experiments were conducted to elucidate the effects of biochar on the bioavailability of antibiotics in soil. The results of this study will provide scientific basis for evaluation of the envi
英文关键词: biochar;antibiotics;sorption;aging effect;bioavailability