项目名称: 高离化率磁控溅射新方法及薄膜制备和形成机理研究
项目编号: No.U1330110
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 田修波
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 传统磁控溅射离化率不足10%,1999年瑞典提出了一种高功率脉冲磁控溅射方法:把磁控电压从400-500V提高到800-1500V(脉冲),大大提高了离化率(>60%),该技术被认为是磁控溅射一次革命。然而技术原理决定的低沉积速率(有时仅为20%)成为其工业应用障碍。磁控靶高电压产生了离化金属吸回和靶平均电流减小的双重效应,使得沉积速率下降。本研究提出了一种新的基于瞬间高密度等离子体扰动的大电流/常规低压放电方法,利用异常辉光放电滞回现象,通过瞬间高压耦合将潘宁放电激发到电子碰撞离化,获得低电压下的大电流放电,进而实现高离化率/高沉积速率。本项目围绕这一新型放电模式和高离化率下薄膜沉积等展开基础性研究工作,包括新型电源设计研制;新模式下放电规律和金属离化率;高离化率薄膜制备以及基于离子/原子比例(I/A)和动量(Ek)控制的膜层生长机理等等。希望获得一种可工业化的新型高离化率磁控溅射技术。
中文关键词: 复合脉冲高功率磁控溅射;高离化率;高沉积速率;生长机理;薄膜制备
英文摘要: Ionization rate for conventional magnetron sputtering is less than 10%. To increase the ionization rate, a novel high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (Hipims) was proposed in Sweden in 1999. The magnetron voltage is increased to pulsed 800-1500V and thus the ionization rate is substantially improved (>60%) and this novel technology is regarded as a revolution of MS. However the low deposition rate (sometimes,<20%) has limited its wide application. The magnetron target with high voltage leads to both effects of adsorption of the ionized particle and reduced average current, consequently the deposition rate naturally decreases. In this project, a novel technology is proposed, based on high current/low voltage discharge induced by the instant turbulence of high-density plasmas. A instant high voltage is utilized to excite the electron impact ionization from Penning discharge due to the “hysteresis loop” of V-I curves in abnormal discharge zone. Consequently a high current discharge with low voltage is obtained, leading to the synergistic effect of high ionization rate and high deposition rate. We focus on the fundamental research work related to this novel discharge mode and deposition with high ionization. This includes design of new power supply, discharge and high ionization based on new mode, film fabricatio
英文关键词: Hybrid pulse high power magnetron sputtering;high ionization rate;high deposition rate;growth mechanism;film fabrication