项目名称: 脉冲磁场对取向硅钢初次再结晶组织织构的影响及机理研究
项目编号: No.50804028
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 李莉娟
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 近年来,通过磁场退火来改善取向硅钢磁性能的研究日益受到广泛关注,但已有研究往往采用稳恒磁场,且多应用于取向硅钢的二次再结晶过程,对其影响规律及作用机理也尚缺乏统一的认识和深入的研究。脉冲磁场与稳恒、交变磁场相比,具有间歇式、大能量密度的特点;与超强磁场相比,具有易于实现工业化应用的特点。本项目首次将脉冲磁场退火技术应用于取向硅钢的初次再结晶过程,分析不同施加方向、不同参数的脉冲磁场对取向硅钢初次再结晶组织及织构的影响规律,揭示脉冲磁场作用下初次再结晶晶核的形核机理及晶粒的长大机制,利用电磁学、铁磁学及再结晶动力学原理,结合再结晶织构形成理论,深入分析脉冲磁场退火同取向硅钢初次再结晶组织及织构之间的作用机理,并建立二者之间相互作用的物理模型,为将脉冲磁场技术应用于取向硅钢工业生产,进而改善其磁性能提供理论指导和实验依据。自行研发制造的取向硅钢脉冲磁场热处理设备已获得国家专利。
中文关键词: 取向硅钢;脉冲磁场;退火;初次再结晶;组织织构
英文摘要: Performance improvements of oriented silicon steel by magnetic annealing has received much attention in recent years. Static magnetic field is often applied in processing of secondary recrystallization of oriented silicon steel in existing research. However,there is no unified awareness in the effect and action mechanism of magnetic field so far because of lackness of in-depth research. Compared with static magnetic field,the specialties of pulsed magnetic field are intermittency and high energy density. From the aspect of engineering application, the equipments for generating pulsed magnetic field are simple and handy. Pulsed magnetic field technology is applied for the first time to study primary recrystallization of oriented silicon steel in this project. The influence of pulsed magnetic field directions and parameters on recrystalization structure such as texture and grain size was systematically investigated. Based on mechanism of electronmagnetism ferromagnetism and recrystallization kinetics,combined with texture formation theory, the mechanism of nucleation and grain growth of primary recrystallization of silicon steel under magnetic field was clarified. Through deep analysis of relationship between the pulsed magnetic annealing parameter and primary recrystallization structure of oriented silicon steel, a physical model was made.The results can provide theoretical direction and experimental basis for improvement of magnetic properties of silicon steel and application of pulsed magnetic annealing in industrial processes of oriented silicon steel. In addition, the patent of invention about self-made pulsed magnetic annealing equipment has been officially authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China.
英文关键词: Oriented silicon steel; Pulsed magnetic field; Annealing; Primary recrystallization; Structure and texture