项目名称: 空间应用低噪声曲面微通道板
项目编号: No.61275152
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 尼启良
作者单位: 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所
项目金额: 96万元
中文摘要: 对于大视场、高分辨率、高灵敏度的软X射线-真空紫外波段空间成像探测仪器,需要使用低噪声曲面微通道板(MCP)两维光子计数位置灵敏阳极成像探测器。 本课题以低噪声曲面MCP为研究对象,在研制无放射性同位素含量低噪声玻璃的基础上,通过采用高温成型和光学加工相结合的方式制备低噪声曲面MCP来消除因放射性同位素产生的暗计数,研究低噪声玻璃的成份、制作过程、几何结构、高温成型过程与曲面MCP在光子计数工作模式下的增益、脉冲高度分布、暗计数率的关系,揭示MCP暗计数产生的物理机制。研究使用低噪声曲面MCP和感应电荷位置灵敏阳极光子计数成像探测器的空间分辨率、暗计数率等特性,为空间应用奠定基础。
中文关键词: 低噪声微通道板玻璃;低噪声曲面微通道板;楔条形阳极;感应电荷;光子计数成像探测器
英文摘要: Soft X-ray and vacuum ultraviolet imaging instruments need to employ two-dimensional photon-counting imaging detector with low dark noise microchannel plate (MCP)stack in some space applications which require large field of view, high resolution and sensitivity. In the project,both a thermal slumping technique and a optically polishing method are used to fabricate low dark noise curved surface MCP having the large length-to-diameter (L/D) ratio and low resistance based on the development of low dark noise glass with elimination of radioactive isotopes which is a main niose source in MCPs. We will reveal the relationship between the components in MCP glass, MCP fabricating process, geometry structure, thermal slumping process and MCP's gain , pulse height distribution, background noise rate in photon-counting operating mode, and research physical mechanism of MCP dark noise. We also study the sapce resolution and background noise rate of a photon-counting two-dimensional imaging detector with low dark noise curved surface MCP and induced charge position-sensitive anode.
英文关键词: low dark noise microchannel plate glass;low dark noise curved surface microchannel plate;wedge-strip anode;induced charge;photon-counting imaging detector