项目名称: 移动社会网络中众包系统的可信机制研究
项目编号: No.61502410
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 王莹洁
作者单位: 烟台大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 移动社会网络的普及增强了人们之间的联系,方便了人们的生活,同时也给人们的生活带来了新的挑战:随着“移动众包”概念的产生,越来越多的应用激励网络实体参与任务感知,因此,实体的可信性是保障移动社会网络中众包系统正常运行的基础和重要条件。研究移动社会网络的可信机制问题对于保证网络的安全性具有重要的现实意义。在移动社会网络的任务感知过程中,涉及到任务的推荐、网络演化分析以及行为调控等方面,因此,本项目拟基于移动社会网络,研究众包系统的可信机制问题,形成一套完整的可信保障体系,主要研究包括三个方面:建立基于Marcov链的移动社会网络可信推荐模型,研究白噪声环境下移动社会网络Wright-Fisher多策略信任演化模型,建立加入隐私保护的移动社会网络的激励机制。本项目的研究将为移动网络的发展起到积极的促进作用。
中文关键词: 移动社会网络;众包;可信;推荐;Wright-Fisher
英文摘要: The popularity of Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) has enhanced the communications between people, and made people's lives convenient. However, it also brings new challenges to people's lives: with the generation of mobile crowdsourcing, more and more applications inspire network entities to participate the task sensing. Therefore, the trust of entities in mobile social networks is the foundation and an important condition that can make crowdsoucing systems operate normally. It has an important practical significance to research the trust mechanisms of mobile social networks, which can garantee the security of networks. In the process of task sensing in mobile social networks, some research contents are involed: the recommendation of tasks, the analysis for network's evolution and the control of entities' behaviors. Therefore, this proposal will research the trust mechanism of crowdsourcing systems in mobile social networks, in order to form a complete trust security system. The main research contents include three aspects: the trust recommendation model of mobile social networks based on Marcov chain, Wright-Fisher multi-strategy trust evolution model of mobile social networks in white noise environment, and the incentive mechanism of mobile social networks with privacy-protection. The researches of this proposal will promote the development of mobile social networks.
英文关键词: mobile social networks;crowdsourcing;trust;recommendation;Wright-Fisher